Fic recs, July 2006

Jul 27, 2006 23:52


The Impossible (Fear) by Libertine

This is (possibly) chan-ish Snape/Harry (but it only happens in Snape's head and Harry's age isn't stated), which is normally not my cup of tea, but it's very, very well-written and well worth the angst and possible squick, or at least it was for me. It's a creepy look into Snape's head, when he contemplates how he wants Harry and how that makes him feel about himself. Lucius is also brilliant in this:

“You should kill yourself,” said Lucius. “It would be the decent thing to do. It would be merciful. Get me out of here, and I’ll do it myself. Then again, I never know with you. I don’t know where reality begins and your fantasies end. I -- good grief, Mr. Snape. Pull yourself together. Anyone would think someone had bloody died.”


Title: As We Know It
Auhtor: airgiodslv
Pairing: BB/EW, DM/EW
Rating: PG-13
Content/Warnings: Not fluffy.

Apocalyptic AU and therefore angsty, but also quite gorgeous. <3


Title: Incarnate
Author: pandarus
Rating: G
Summary: Snape summons Death. (HP crossover with 'The Sandman', but should make sense without specific knowledge of comic canon)

Well, Snape did say he could teach his students how to "stopper death", so this meeting of Severus and Death makes perfect sense. Death is also delightfully in character and I loved reading about Snape and Remus's friendship.


Title: Alter Ego
Author: glasgow_blue
Pairing: Monaboyd, loosely
Word Count: 600
This is a Blue Plate Special for flusteredspeech: half-hobbits, the borders between dom/billy and merry/pippin, laughter both in character and out

I think this is more about the relationship between Billy and Pippin than about Billy and Dom or Pippin and Merry and more gen than slash, but altogether it's a very sweet and poignant short piece.


Title: Jeeves and the Understanding
Author: Timmerryn
Pairing: Jeeves/Bertie

A cute and slightly silly first time fic, very Bertie and quite true to Jeeves as well, I think.

“Don’t I have to kiss the nearest girl if the knife comes out clean, Jeeves?” I asked, as I struck the f.b.

“If the knife is dirty, sir, but you are correct in the other particulars.”

“It’s a dashed foolish tradition, if you ask me,” I said. “It’s all very well for those who have family birthdays on a regular basis, where there are no shortage of cousins and so forth, but when a chap moves in a society made up mostly of gentlemen, he’s at a bit of a loss. At the Drones, for instance, the nearest thing to a girl is Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright in a wig and one needs to have been getting fairly heavily into the port before he becomes a desirable object for osculation… is it osculation?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And here at home there’s just us.”

“A very salient point, sir. Might I inquire whether you are intending to finish cutting the cake?”

“Yes,” I said, remembering, and pulled the knife out. It was clean, which was probably a relief under the circumstances, removing as it did a lot of potential for the sort of embarrassment and misunderstanding one tries to avoid in the home.

fic recs, fandom

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