Title: Charmed, I'm Sure.
Chapter: Prologue.
Pairing: Julia(n)/Noelian
Disclaimer: I dont own the boosh. so please dont sue me i have so little to give.
"The quicker you admit it, the quicker we can get this over with." They told him. "Why are you on the run if you didnt do anything?"
He smiled broadly. "I'm not on the run." He wanted to laugh at their stupidity.
The taller inspector of the two leant forward, resting his knuckles on the table. "You seem awfully calm, if you dont mind me saying, for someone whos going to spend the next 15 years sucking unwashed dick."
A grin parted his lips and he quick wittedly replied. "You seem awfully jealous, if you dont mind me saying."
The short plump man slammed his hand on the table making him jump first and laugh second.
"You think this is funny?!"
"One man, brutally murdered, your friend. Your best friend and you're laughing?!"
He cocked his head, a charming half smile on his perfect face.
"Think your some sort of dandy maverick?"
"Charmed, I'm sure."
"Your nothing but a psychopath!"
He sat back in his chair and looked at the mans hampster face, chubby around the cheeks with a gut to match. Danny DeVito. "Schitzophrenic. Bipolar. Paranoid. Manic.. Call it what you like. Julian Barratt... That's all I'll ever be." The next sentence he said with a lighthearted smile, which chilled the inspectors to the bone. He said, so calmly, so sure.. "And I didnt kill anybody."