Matchmaker theme is now closed, therefore, the new theme of the month is "Who Would be Your Spirit Ally?"
This theme will run until October 14th.
Please read through the rules before you apply.
1. You must already have a regular character stamp to apply for this theme.
2. Be respectful to those that you vote on, and in responding to votes that you get.
3. If you participated in this theme before, you are welcome to get a re-stamp.
4. Do not post your application with a Shaman King icon as it may influence the votes.
5. You can vote someone with any spirit ally from the anime and/or manga of Shaman King.
6. Put "hitodama" iin your subject line to show you have read the rules.
7. You will be stamped once you get 10 votes or 6+ votes for the same character.
8. If you can't decide on one spirit ally to vote someone with, you may vote them with 2.
9. You are welcome to set the comment screening to 'all comments', but you don't have to. It just might prevent people from copying others votes. That's totally up to you.
10. Do not tell voters that you disagree with their votes, this is about who they think would be your spirit ally - not who you would like it to be.
Name (this could be your nicknames):
Would you want complete control over your spirit ally?
Would you consider your spirit ally to be your friend?
Would your spirit ally guide you?
What kinds of attacks would you do - Long range or close range?
Would you and your spirit ally participate in the Shaman Fight?
How do you feel about person/spirit relationships?
Breifly describe the type of environment you live in (a city, suburb, the countryside, etc.) - is this the type of place you’d like to continue living? If not, where would you most like to live?:
Anything else?: