Name: Micailah
Nickname: Miki
Birthday: October 30 1990
Likes: Drawing, sewing, daydreaming, sleeping, reading, watching T.V., anime, manga, videogames, puzzles of any sort, sunshine, action figures/stuffies, colors, animals, water, posters, food, plants...I dunno, I like a lot of stuff. I'm just listing random things that come to mind, I could go on for awhile. XD
Dislikes: Working in retail, being made fun of for not being good at something, math, close-minded people, sword/elevator campers, back-aches, clothes shopping & people who play a couple of songs on easy in Rock Band and call themselves gamers. :<
Hobbies: Drawing, playing videogames, surfing the web, sewing, cosplaying, sleeping & collecting things (action figures mostly).
Talents: Drawing, playing videogames, sewing & I suppose cosplaying. I'm still sort of a noob in that department though.
Goals: Swim with dolphins, work at Nintendo, see every Jackie Chan movie & cosplay as Samus Aran in her Varia Suit.
What do you feel your best qualities are?: I'm loving, empathetic, undertanding, laid-back & goofy.
Your worst?: I'm lazy, unmotivated, overly-sensitive, indecisive & shy.
Describe what you do on a normal day: Well, 4 out of 7 days I have school. Otherwise I'm usually at home on the computer or playing videogames. I've been told many times I don't get out enough. XD
If there was a movie about your life, what 5 bands/artists would definitely be on the soundtrack? Why?: Uhhh...
1. David Wise - The guy who did all the Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 & 3 music. That music is my childhood~
2. DJ-Nate. He has the best techno music ever! He did one of my very very favorite songs.
3. Koji Kondo. He's like a videogame music GOD. XD He's done tons & tons of Legend of Zelda & Mario stuff.
4. & 5. Avenged Sevenfold & Breaking Benjamin 'cause I really like them? :D
I don't listen to a lot of mainstream music...
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I NEED MOTIVATION. If I don't like something I just don't do it. Including homework. That's not good.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: I don't know exactly what I'd change, but I'd like the world to be safer. I hate hearing about gang-killings and rapists and stuff...
Why do you like the anime/manga Shaman King?: Erm, I never really thought about's interesting and funny? :D
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): Horo Horo & Tokageroh. I find them both very entertaining.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Ponchi & Conchi. They're unpleasant. :P
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Ummm, I quite like YohxAnna. And BailongxJun. I dunno why really, I just find them sweet.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: YohxHao. I really don't like incest. Ew.
If you got to choose a character in the series to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Yoh. He lives the way I wish I could. So relaxed~
How did you find this community?: Just stumbled upon it.
Anything else?: Not that I can think of. :)