I've been reading a lot of spoilers, lately, trying to get excited about S6.
I'm really not happy with what I heard in various interviews/read in various reports. This season is going "grey" and "noir"? Supernatural hasn't been anything EXCEPT grey from S2 onward. And "noir"? Sorry, I don't think the writers understand the meaning of the word, but I'll give this one a pass.
Campbell family being introduced - Really? Why? I love Mitch Pillegi, but didn't he die? Didn't YED kill off the entire family, friends, acquaintences of Mary? Oh, yeah. The writers are going to retcon that, as well. I suppose they have their reasons, but I can't generate any excitement over this family of uber-hunters, who've never contacted the boys, who didn't show up for the Nonpocalyse, and who NO ONE SEEMS TO HAVE HEARD OF BEFORE.
But for me, the biggie is Sam not letting Dean know that he's been alive and well for about a year. Way to make Sam an irredeemable tool! After an entire season of being preached at about family, it's importance, Sam growing up - this is the result? And supposedly, Sam's reaction to Dean being upset is "Boo Hoo. Get over it."? That it's Dean's fault if he's upset?
Alternating between depressed and pissed, but currently, heavily leaning toward pissed.