[OHBOYOHBOY After having a fairly crappy February, Med'an is a little excited to do something...well, maybe not fun, in a traditional sense, but productive, empowering, possibly helpful in the future. The fact that Zelda is joining them is exciting as well, both because he likes her and because he likes being around people in general.]
[ Zelda catches her breath, though the sound is almost inaudible. At long last, her weeks of patient observation and study are bearing fruit. Though she makes every effort to be reserved, she cannot completely mask the air of excitement about her. ]
At once, My Lo-- [ No, she is his pupil now and owes him the proper respect. ] Master Garnath.
While Med'an and I train, I have a task for you. Close to the mountain is a place where the Earth Elementals are most active. I will provide a sapta which will allow you to see it. Speak to it, do as it asks, and bring me back proof of your meeting.
[ Zelda nods, though the motions is unseen. She has many questions, but keeps them to herself; she is learning that she must find the answers on her own. ]
Comments 7
Yes, Master Garnath.
[He will trot his way over there!]
At once, My Lo-- [ No, she is his pupil now and owes him the proper respect. ] Master Garnath.
Do so, and your training as a shaman can begin.
I shall not disappoint you.
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