Title: Strip Poker
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: G
Pairing: Mostly Gen, tiny hint of Royai
Wrote this in the comment section of a fic of mine once, and forgot about it for a while. Just inane drabble, written because someone commented about Roy and Co. playing strip poker.
"If you must know, it is a full house. Queens up."
"I second that..." came a miserable voice.
Riza smirked as she laid her cards down close to the single candle in the room. She hadn't been into the idea of strip poker when the blackout first started (there was still paperwork that could be done without electricity, after all. There was no need to procrastinate just because of a silly outage.) but now she was starting to rethink her ideas.
It really had been the typical dark and stormy night, complete with heavy rain and lightning flashes every so often. Everyone had stayed after office hours to finish cleaning up before the annual inspection when a strike of thunder short-circuited the electricity in the building.
It was Havoc who had been the first to suggest a game of strip poker, with the Colonel eagerly agreeing if only to escape his cleaning duties. It didn't take long for Riza to figure out that Roy had a spare deck of cards hidden on his uniform, and was taking out whatever cards he needed with a sleight of hand in order to win the games. She had easily confiscated the cards with a click of the gun (the safety was such a wonderful invention. She almost never had to fire as long as the men could hear that 'click'.) She hadn't wanted to participate at first, being the only woman of the group, but Fuey had pleaded after Alphonse refused to allow his brother to play, and Farman and Breda had declined. It had been down to Hughes, Armstrong, Mustang, Havoc, and Fuery... and well, she couldn't help but feel the slightest bit sorry for him.
She was almost glad to have joined the game now, though.
It didn't help that both Fuery and Havoc looked quite shocked and dismayed at the luck she had been having, the poor Sargent Major having already lost his uniform coat and cavalry skirt despite having just joined the game a few minutes ago. Second Lieutenant Havoc was having worse luck, already down to his undershirt and pants, having taken off his shoes first with a proclamation that it was also an article of clothing.
Hughes was too shocked that she had one-upped him to speak ("A-ha! Jacks up, full house!") and Armstrong had, fortunately, declined to play (or had the others decline for him) after being the first to lose his shirt.
Breda had declined to play, preferring a game of eastern chess with Farman in the corner, but the both of them smirking at the unfortunate people who were losing badly to one Riza Hawkeye. Both Ed and Al were watching at a corner, Ed letting loose a snicker each time Riza won.
Another flash of lightning in the darkness illuminated Riza's triumphant features for a moment before fading away, leaving the office mostly dark once again.
"A triumphant win, indeed, Lieutenant!" Armstrong praised, sparkling enough to light up the room better than the single candle.
Riza had to fight hard to keep a straight face, and managed to do so even as the Colonel grumbled and started to unbutton his shirt. She could hear the muffled laughter coming from the side corner, though, and could hear Alphonse reprimanding his brother quietly.
The rest of the men who had lost followed suit, grumbling, and poor Fuery blushing bright red before he took off his socks, stammering that if shoes could count as clothing, so could socks.
So far, she and Hughes were leading, Riza calculated. The both of them had only lost twice, to each other, and luckily for Riza, she had been wearing far more than day than she normally did, so she was leading in the clothing department.
Sneaking a glance to the Colonel once more, Riza allowed herself an internal smile. All she had to do was win three more games, then she would call it a night.
Ahaha. Sorry. I suck. :P