I've been somewhat down in the dumps lately. The holidays were sedate and casual. Christmas is starting to lose meaning to me, and New Years has started to strike me as a couples type of holiday. There are times that I really hate being single. I wish I had someone to commiserate with, to comfort and be comforted by, to just be with. I am a physically affectionate person and going without for long enough really sucks (and I'm not just talking about sex, I'm talking about physical affection in almost any form, but having sex as an option is desirable). There's also the desire to be wanted, to look into the face of someone and see that they want to be with you.
Heinlein wrote that Love is the condition where your parter's happiness is the primary component of your own.
There are several probable causes to these feelings: the anniversary of my father's death reminding me of my dwindling family; yet another semi-casual relationship ending with the "I need to find myself" speech; seeing friends who are in couples being happy. And add to that a fear of failing at school, and it makes for me being a super, starbucks sized muffin.
(For those of you who bothered to read this that don't understand the Muffin reference, a group of people I know came up with the phrase to deliniate those who are being overly emo. It started with people using the catch phrase "Oh muffin!" whenever someone was being overly dramatic or emotional.)