Kagerou France 17/12/06 'LAST LIVE'

Dec 19, 2006 13:44

This will be my review for the Meet and Greet and their last concert in Paris. All together I think it has been a really great concert. Emotional, but I enjoyed it more then anything else. It was worth waiting. [WARNING; Fanservice ahead o-o..]

Saturday 16/12/06

We arrived at Orly, and had to find our way trough the metro. Had to pay a fortune to get ourselves to Paris - -; Then had to buy ANOTHER ticket to travel trough Paris. Once we were at the hostel, we changed clothes and decided to visit some shops in Paris. It costed us alot of time, so we haven't seen much of Paris..Just the things we wanted [Well..No Eiffel Tower and all D:] We also decided to buy the guys a present. But first we had to visit some shops.

A japanese book-store, with alot of magazines, books and CD's. They aren't very cheap, and most of the famous CD's were sold out, but if you're looking for a specific artist you should deffinatly go there. Prices are around €15/€25.

A small shop with piercings [they had a piercing store as well] and some brand clothing. Such as Hell Cat Punks, Sexpot Revenge and Milk. But I thought the prices were kinda high.

I love that shop! They got brands like Putumayo, h.Naoto, Sexpot Revenge, Atelier Boz mixed up with alot of EGL stuff. The prices are alright, but I decided not to buy anything [LOL. I love being broke ~] but Tessa bought an awesome sweater * A * ~ The shop looked pretty good in my eyes.

We had to go there for the signing session. It's really small, but they have pretty much. Alot of DVD's and the prices are quite alright as well. It's close to Harajuku.

I think we stayed in that shop for nearly 2 hours XD! They have alot of Jrock/Pop/Anime/Manga stuff. Prices vary from €15 for a bootleg to €70 for the original. You have to be careful with buying stuff there though, since they have alot of bootlegs going around. Other then that I love the store. People are friendly and everything. And it was close by XD.

So that was the shopping thing. We went to Konci on Sunday, because we couldn't make it to be back in time for the signing session. When we got on our first subway thing to..I don't even know where, some guy came in and I even said 'Look at that cute guy'. Then we figured it was Shizumi, looking all lost. He eyed us a few times before we had to get out, and later at the signing session recognized us.


We bought them all a bag of chocolates, with some jewelry and wrote them a card. Thank god we made it back in time, 'cause it was already 5:45 when we still had to figure out where to go. But, it was only a street away, so that was alright. We then stood in line and discussed how they'd ever going to let us in. Someone told us they had a basement where they'd be. Good :D But...The band arrived nearly 2 hours late. I couldn't feel my feet anymore and everyone seemed to fall asleep. But we stayed strong, and Kagerou got us gifts because it was so cold and we had to wait. Arrw. We were somewhere in the middle of the line, and were happy once we could finally go in. The stairs of the basement were kinda scary and I really thought I'd fall down.

I could already see Daisuke and Yuana, Kazu and Shizumi were sitting under the stairs. When we walked down, Shizumi was curiously looking at who came down and his eyes widened when Tessa stood infront of him. Ofcourse we had been standing infront of the window the day before, when the van left, at the concert [although I highly doubt you could see anyone XD] and then at the subway. He asked us in english what to sign, and Tessa gave him the bag. He smiled, but I still think he looked kinda sick/tired or something.
We moved on to Kazu, thanked him and I gave him his present. He looked at it and thanked us, putting it away really careful. Signed our photo, and then moved to Yuana. Who was making horribly amusing faces. I gave him his present, and he went all "O: O:!" I had to wait for Tessa getting her book signed, and she said he was making weird faces at me when I was waiting and just looking around. We moved on to Daisuke, and thanked him for the great live from the day before. He smiled, and gave him his present. He said something, but since my Japanese is limited, and Tessa was in 7th heaven, we don't know WHAT. I kept on shivering and we couldn't move any further, and I heard Daisuke laughing, going 'It's cold..' and we nodded, going back up, waving a last time. That was about it.
And all we wanted to do now is go back to our hostel, take a warm shower and just..do nothing. Since it was pretty late already. We talked about funny stuff, then went to sleep. And woke up, the most horrible way possible.

Sunday LAST LIVE FRANCE 17/12/06

Our neighbours in the hostel were having a horrible fight. I think it were Spanish or Italian people. But the woman went hysteric and the guy was crying. Then I heard someone slamming the wall and went all 'O__O'. I think it took them an hour to shut up. So we got dressed, discussed about doing some sightseeing, but figured we wouldn't be able to so, since Konci wouldn't open until 2. We stayed there for a while, and then headed back to the hall, which was only 2 minutes walk from our hostel. There was already a pretty long line, and we hung around there, before some woman asked me to go on a picture. Tessa asked what it was for, and she said 'Vogue' o____o. Holy shit. She took us somewhere to a small street, and we heard Kagerou doing their soundcheck. We decided to stay there, but had to get dressed as well. Hurried back to the hostel, got changed, and went back to that alley. Listned to them for a long while, until they stopped, and decided to stand in line. Thankfully we met up with toshiyo-kadai and her friends. Got some junkfood while waiting, until they'd open the doors. It went SO SLOW. But we didn't have to wait long inside. Put our coat away, and went inside. We started like..5th row, but when they started, people started to push, and soon we were in about 3rd row. People were so much more active during the songs. They got such a hard applause that I'll remember this forever. The audience was singing along, jumping moving. This hit me more then the German concert. Mainly because I knew this was going to be the last live. Ever. I didn't jump as much as I did in Berlin, but that didn't took away that it was GREAT. It was fun how at both lives, everyone was smaller then me and Tessa XD. So we stood out pretty much, waving at Yuana who kept on doing those lovely faces.

They seemed energetic, and Daisuke moves over to Kazu, sings to the audience there. Moves over to Yuana and wraps an arm around his neck, starts to sing to the audience there, and BANG! They're kissing. I can't believe some people missed it. I mean, it was such a pretty kiss D: [Damn, how can a kiss be pretty? XD] But it deffinatly wasn't planned.

SETLIST [Which I believe was the same as Berlin]

00. 十戒 [Jukkai]
01. Lily
02. 売女の憂鬱 [Baita no yuutsu]
03. 失恋という名の無情 [Shitsuren toiu na no mujou]
04. 3・2・1
05. 落下する夢 [Rakka sure yume]
06. 赤の虚飾 [Aka no Kyoshoku]
07. 絶頂スパイス [Zettyou Spice]
08. 制裁と反逆 [Seisai to hangyaku]
09. 循環奇形少女A [Junkan kikei shoujo A]
10. 螺旋首 [Rasen Kubi]
11. 光の影 [Hikari no Kage]
12. 切断失調症 [Setsudan shittyoushou]
13. 沈む空 [Shizumu Sora]
14. 落葉と君と僕と [Ochiba to kimi to boku to]
15. 木枯らし、[Kogarashi,]
16. 儚き激情 [Hakanaki Gekijou]
17. となり町の彼女 [Tonari machi no kanojo]
18. 朦朧エピローグ [Mourou Epilogue]

___ENCORE 1:
19. 腐った海で溺れかけてる僕を救ってくれた君 [Kusatta umi de oborekaketeiru boku wo sukuttekureta kimi]
20. 暁 [Akatsuki]

___ENCORE 2:
21. 一輪は青く [Ichirin wa Aoku]
22. 絶望にサヨナラ [Zetsubou ni sayonara]

The last song, was breaking me. Zetsubou ni sayonara..Daisuke couldn't hold back his tears when the song had ended. Everyone was waving at them, and Daisuke kept on yelling 'Arigatou..Arigatou!' And stood there, looking at us. Crying. Just standing there, looking at everyone.


Yuana and Shizumi were smiling, and it made me smile trough my tears. I just couldn't realize this was the last time. Yuana kept on throwing bottles of water around, spitting on everyone. Shizumi kept on applausing, and so did the audience. Screaming for Kagerou. I swear I won't ever forget it.

Everyone went off stage, and we hurried to get our coat. Thank god French are SLOW. We knew they'd come out from the back, unlike other fans. But, they saw us getting into that alley and followed us. It were about 30 people who kept on waiting for them though. So together with Tessa, and everyone else we sat there, staring at the window. Mina learned me a new song, and I still remember it XD I need the lyrics though.

The stories we were making up, are great! XD I won't forget about them. And ofcourse -- I'm robin!
Suddenly Yuana peeked his head out of the window, and we waved. I think he was surprised by the amount of people that were actually waiting there XD. We made up stories, laughed trough our tears and waited. Until there was a van coming down.

Everyone started to collect, and slowly there was an intimate sort of row.. Mina and I stood next to the door of the van, and first the roadie came out to put their stuff away, then Daisuke came out. He shook everybody's hand, and you could see he had cried, and that he still was emotion and close to breaking down again. I thanked him and in the end he managed to smile. Kazu was next, and he was smiling so wide. He seemed so happy that we were still there, and shook our hands as well. Yuana looked like he had cracked down as well, and I shook his hand. He got back to shake Mina's hand and smiled. It was so pure. Shizumi was the last to get in, and he seemed pretty sad as well. The doors closed, we sad a last thank you, before they drove off, under a loud applause. This was our tribute to them. They had to wait at the traffic light and the applause continued. They were smiling, crying. Waving. The japanese ran down the street so hard.. and we followed, to see them leave into one of the many streets of Paris.


Heading back

We talked to Mina and her friends for a bit, which was really good. We laughed, and decided not to be sad anymore. It was good to see you and hopefully their last live in Japan will rock!
Back in the hostel, we changed clothes again, cause we wanted to walk trough Paris abit. But..The subway stopped driving at 1 AM. CRAP. And I felt a migraine attack coming up, so we went back and I got into bed. God, I slept horrible that night, and I then realized this was the end. No more Kagerou. Rubbing waterbottles in pants, Shizumi singing along, Yuana's silly faces, Kazu's elegant bass-playing.
Blah. Even looking at my posters makes me want to break down again. But I'll get over it. We all have to continue.

We went back by bus on Monday. There was this horrible smelly guy stalking us, and he even sat BEHIND us from Brussel to Antwerp. Tessa and I had wrapped a scarf around our noses, and tried to ignore the smell. Finally, after sitting in the bus for 7 hours, we got out in Utrecht and went our own way. Back home.

I want to thank everyone who I've met these days. Who helped us finding our way, for the presents, the hugs, the great talks, the support. Those 2 weird French girls who hugged me out of the blue and said I should be happy. The HULK/SPIDERMAN/BATMAN/BABY stories, Tessa for being a great travel compagnion and fellow 'making fun of people with baguettes and being scared of pigeons' person. Thank you everyone.

Thank you,..Kagerou.

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