Aug 02, 2006 15:10

Last few days have been quite tiring, but I only had to work for half a day today, so I finally got some time to update. Yes * A *~ This will be mainly about the Gazette live from Saturday and Sunday.

I stayed at _arizu_ 's place from Sunday 'till Friday as I mentioned before. I had alot of fun there, even though the weather was too hot. On Friday we drove to Bonn, to the Animagic convention. There we met up with sadochi and majin_sama and moved to our hotel.
And what kind of hotel it was * --- *! 4 stars, we had airco in the room, a bath, shower, minibar, TV, swimmingpool, sauna [But we didn't see those last two] And the elevators were covered with mirrors XD!
So, we got dressed for that day [Lolita style ahoy], and Ten decided to lead the way. XD Okay, so we didn't really end up at the convention, but more or less in Vinxel. Nonetheless, we had fun in the middle of nowhere XDDD~
After 2 hours we finally arrived at the hall, and the weather was quite bad. But it was nice to see some people I knew, and to meet others.
Same goes for saturday, when I cosplayed Yukine together with hyura, jeeze and _arizu. Almost a full Vidoll group ne. But it was so warm, and I was happy when I got to change into my other clothes and left off to the concert hall.
And once again -- Lost our way XD!

But when we arrived, they were already letting people in and all. Though, it wasn't pushy. A total different atmosphere as the other concerts I went to. There were many Japanese fans as well, a group was cosplayed as the members from the Silly God Disco PV. They looked really awesome.
We sort of waited 'till everyone was in, and then got in as well. The Japanese seemed so...disgusted by all the trash that was laying on the floor and all. But, we moved on inside, and stood somewhere behind the other people. It was comfortable since you had actual space to move. We got the crowd to clap along with the intro of Linda~ which was quite awesome. When they came on the whole crowd went nuts~
They started off with 'The End', and the band came onstage. Got their instruments and stood with their face towards Kai, as a small circle. Then they continued with 'Nausea and Shudder'. They all looked awesome, wearing the costumes. I squee'ed over Ruki's hair 'cause it DEFFINATLY suits him. Though, there was this ASSHOLE,..okay MULTIPLE ASSHOLES who started a moshpit. - -; That pissed me off for a bit, but then I was actually able to enjoy the concert * A *~
Here's some sort of setlist o-o [Not in the right order XDD]

- The Social Riot Machines
I was happy they played this song. It's just..Awesome live * A *~
- Ruder.
- Taion
A beautiful song, Ruki's voice comes out so well
- Namaatatakai ame tozaratsuita jounetsu
- Bath room
Same goes for this song. Gotta love it!~
- Maggots
- Silly God Disco
XDD!! I loved the fact that they played it. The whole crowd, and the members were enjoying this song I guess. Everyone was dancing and singing along.
- Carry
Kai joined in here with the singing if I remember right, which was awesome.
- Maximum Impulse
- SxDxR
- Anti Pop.
Another awesome song from Disorder they played~
- Linda
This was simply AWESOME. The whole crowd was clapping like mad and for some reason the band looked really impressed by it.
- Waifu
- Ride with the Rockers
This was LOVE. I love Reita's voice, and the fact that Kai kept on smiling and giggling before they started off was cute.

So, between the songs Ruki tried to speak a bit German, mixed up with Japanese. Which was really sweet at times. The Japanese girls broke out in tears a few times ;o;. In the encore, when the band was still on stage and everyone was clapping the intro of Linda, Both Reita and Aoi were smiling and pointing at us. Kai tried his German out during Ride with the Rockers, just like Reita.
At one point Aoi's acoustic guitar refused to work or something. He looked quite confused, and in the end he had to continue on his electric one. I have to admit that the sound was really crappy at times [Mainly on Sunday] But they didn't really bothered or so it seemed~
Uruha ended up kissing Ruki, which made the whole crowd go nuts again.
[Appearently Aoi's hand went down his own pants o-o...Lol, quite amused now]

Ruki ended the live by saying 'Bis morgen' [See you tomorrow], and they all left the stage. I probably forget to write down hella lot, but yeah..XD.

Pictures of the outfits and all * A *;; Taken from Gazette Daily~






I couldn't find any of Kai D:

Onto Sunday * o *. No cosplay today because I wasn't really feeling like cosplaying. Though, the Gazette group looked really awesome. And I bet the handshaking event was great as well..I kinda forgot to ask and all o.o.
I moved from the hotel to someone else's place, got ready for the live and moved back to the Brückenforum. Once again it was quite busy, the group of Japanese girls cosplaying again. Now there weren't as many people as there were on Saturday, but both the band and the audience seemed to have enjoyed the live. As I said, the sound wasn't always too good, but the atmosphere once again rocked.
They are so alive on stage. Running around, highfiving, headbanging, singing..At one point Ruki started to walk over the tables at our side, made us jump like mad and bowed to move to the other side, climb on a box and make the crowd go crazy there.
I enjoyed watching them, for the fact they're really trying to entertain every single person in the crowd.
This time the setlist was indeed different. They started off with 'The End' again. They also played 2 new songs as far as I know, and they fucking ROCKED! Uruha and Aoi played with the acoustic guitars, which was LOVE~
'Ride with the Rockers' was a bit different this time, but great nonetheless. This night even Aoi said something in German, making fun of Reita how much better he was XD. I so liked it how they were on stage, and the smiles on their face made me smile as well. It seemed like Uruha was crying at the end of the live, which gave me goosebumps ;o;~

At the end of the concert, me and majin_sama ran off outside, upstairs and were in time to see them leaving. Covered up in towels, but really kind. They smiled and waved at us, even in the van. Especially Aoi seemed really happy. The van drove off, and happy-like we returned to say goodbye to everyone, since I was going back on Monday.

I had such a great time hanging around with all of you. I learned alot of nasty German and Spanish words, thanks to _arizu_ and shigai XD~
I thought my lamp looked like Reita. This once again proved my IQ isn't that high o__o;;
Some quotes we shouldn't forget, like 'Ahaahaaaoi' and 'Uwahrehurua'.

Yeah, then I drove back..And got all sad again. I really miss my friends, the awesome time we had, but also the times in Cologne and Berlin. It feels like everyone is so busy..I don't really know how to explain it, but I wish I could have an actual vacation to somewhere.

I didn't make much photo's of the con, since I was mainly sitting around.



Contacts stuff. Kind creepy really XDD

Our DEEEELICIOUS sushi * A *~

Ari's father fixing the sewing machine T__T;

The first thing I saw at the con XD There was also one in Strawberry taste

Phone pimping :] Razr V3 for the win!

For some reason they looked really depressed o-o; But the Shinya was pretty..


More depressed Dir en grey cosplayers

Mr. and Mrs. Universe. XDDD So handsome~

The after show O:!



Pimp2 [And a shameless PotC-poster stealing thief XD on the background]


Nuku < 333


That one's better. Our secret Gazetto photo u__u;

AFTERLIVE at Mc Donalds obviously XD

Won't work..XDD

I think my mind was somewhere else.


Didn't buy much o-o

Tshirt BACK

Tshirt FRONT

Bag |D

A nice bandana

A retarded wristband..XD I didn't know it was one until the woman said so.

So yeah. I can't believe I actually wrote it all, feeling kinda sad and sick right now. I really miss you.

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