A smallish picspam complete with updates and a few new surprises...
I introduce you to our two new additions:
Apparently they were a bit too busy playing to be properly photographed.
Oh, hello... there's the little lady.
So yes, we have two baby kittens. About 4 weeks old. They were found outside without a mommy. :( So Brandon and I get to do that for them. And they're lovely. And are seriously babies. I turned to him when he said he was exhausted from not sleeping because of them and reminded him that they aren't even human babies. He's okay with not sleeping he said. @.@ Silly b2.
(and here's a link to four more pictures that I didn't take...
http://newyork.craigslist.org/que/pet/819043819.html someone else took the other sibling, but we are blessed with the two most photogenic)
But we're moved in. By moved in I mean we moved out of our friends attic and took our suitcases into our new house, blew up the air mattress, and bought groceries.
We also managed to hit a "we're getting rid of everything so come take it away for free so we don't throw it away" and found two treasures:
Voila the pretty nightstand/end table.
And a chair! I'm so beyond grateful for this item. I was practically in tears at the end of the day when we didn't have a kitchen table. I can only eat on the floor for so long... :/
But our stuff should arrive within two weeks and then we can officially set up and have a real bed and a real apartment.
And... I have a 30 second video of the kitties but it's me talking to them in the baby kitty voice and I sound ridiculous. So perhaps I shall pull out my video again when they're playing. Because that's quite amusing. Seriously.
And because my flist is obsessed with naming everything, you should know we have a boy and a girl and don't have names for either one yet. -blushes- But I shall keep you informed of that my dears!
/update on my life and my current family
ETA: And I'm so sorry for the lack of commenting/responding. i do pay attention. -sad face- And I miss you on AIM. The end.