
May 09, 2013 20:52

I swear to god I don't know why I bother with Supernatural. The writers of this show are cripplingly bad. It's really amazing. They've basically been given the universe's gift to writers: a huge mythos full of angels, demons, archangels, gods, heaven, hell, Purgatory, the whole Metatron/Enoch storyline, the nephilim for fuck's sake, and they absolutely piss it all away with boring, trite, repetitive bullshit that asks us to somehow believe that their two painfully stupid main characters can, all by themselves with the magic of brotherly love and douchebaggery, save the entire Universe. For the love of all that's holy, even the creators of Doctor Who know that they can't have the Doctor be able to fix everything, ever, with no help, and he's the freakin' Doctor.

They create all of these fascinating and awesome side characters and possible threads, and then throw it away for forty-five minutes of disjointed, uneven, rambling crap that, instead of building on any kind of continuity (and as I've mentioned, the backlog of plot in this show is nothing short of EPIC), prefers to pull a bunch of retconned what-the-fuckery out of their asses. It's insane. Give me an hour with an episode of this show and I could create you something worthy of the big screen. It's honestly NOT THAT HARD. You have Castiel, the rebel angel who is (fucking clearly) in love with a foul-mouthed renegade human, who is faced with the dilemma of redeeming Heaven versus saving Earth and his friends; you have Lucifer and Michael, two of the most powerful angels, locked in Hell together; you have Sam, supposedly born of demon blood, undergoing Heaven's trials to purify himself; you have Metatron, who, according to biblical apocrypha was once a human named Enoch, called on to write down God's word regarding the sins of the first fallen angels, the Watchers of Earth; you have an ever-more-powerful demon, Crowley, who is trying to create Hell on Earth; you have the tablets of the Word of God regarding how to control angels and demons; I mean, COME ON. Castiel's storyline alone is basically a heart-ripper of an epic about free will and responsibility, love and sacrifice.

And what do we get? Yet another re-hash episode where people we don't give a fuck about come back for two seconds to be killed so that Dean and Sam's feelings can get good and hurt. We get a do-over demon (news to everyone in the SPN universe that you can resurrect a demon AND the human body it inhabits just by sewing it back together) with the same trite evil-demon lines as always. We get Dean being a raging dickhole to Castiel AGAIN, SOME MORE, for some more re-hashed reasons that they should totally be over by now. We get the miracle of Winchester stupidity when they fail to realize that hey, they've got a fucking angel in their pocket, whom they could call to save that one chick from getting iced by Crowley's hex bag. OH! And we have, in true SPN fashion, the introduction, and summary execution of, the Nephilim - the offspring of human and angel - a concept that is five thousand times more complex and awesome than any season-long villain they've come up with so far. The possibility of conflict between love and law! Angel and God! Free will and chaos, destiny and hierarchy! The idea of a whole race of half-angelic creatures living as humans, trying to overcome the tragic beginnings of their creation, perhaps with powers unknown to humans OR angels! Maybe they're actually trying to take over the world! Maybe they want to help in the war against Hell! Maybe some of both! Who knows! Because NOPE! It's done! Two minutes of screen time, three words of backstory, and then she gets her throat stabbed out. Boom.

Honestly, I only watch this show because of the character of Castiel, who is ten times (at least) more interesting and complicated than either Dean or Sam, sadly. And whose truly amazing storylines get hand-waved in favor of YET MORE Dean and Sam ANGSTING. If I didn't know that Misha Collins was going to be reinstated as a series regular again next season, I would be praying hard for them to kill Cas off (hopefully epically, but probably not) in this next episode just so I don't have to watch anymore.

Dear. Lord.

dammit now i need a supernatural tag, rant

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