Title: Another Untitled one
Author: Me
Type: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, slight comedy, School
Yamada on the other side was standing there, frozen, he was adapting what Shane had said, few seconds ago. He looked at her as she walked away. A soccer ball rolled down from nowhere and stopped in front of Yamada. He looked at the soccer ball, trying his tears to fall down.
" Shi*t ! " He shouted as he kicked the soccer ball, releasing his anger and pain. Anger, its because why can't she see him.. notice him. Even once. Try to talk to him.. be friends with. Pain, because...
" Ne-never?" He mumbled. As we started to walked from different place, a bar for sure.
Shane was walking, looking down so no one will see her crying. Daiki saw her. Why she's here? He asked. He stopped the car at the side of the road where Shane is walking. She ignore that car, who cares why that car stopped. The window opened and she heard someone called out her name. She looked at the car and saw Daiki, waving his hands. Well, his hands are too familiar for her. She rashly wiped her tears away, flashing a smile which is obviously looked fake. She ran and opened the door and sat down.
" Daiki, why did you stopped here? Isn't that you should wait for me at our school's gate?" She asked.
" I will not stop here If I didn't see you here, crying, walking alone, right? Aren't you're the one who should waiting for me at your school's gate? " Daiki asked back.
" Ohh.. Sorry, I was spacing out. Hehehe." She giggled.
"Tell me, are you okay?"
" I'm not isn't that obvious ?!" She shouted. irritatedly . That made Daiki shocked.
Seeing Daiki's reaction..
" N-no! I'm fine! I'm completely fine. " She said with a calm voice, totally making her looked crazy or something here.
" You're not." Daiki simply replied.
She sighed. " I'm okay, really. I was just... too tired from school works."
Daiki looked at him worriedly. He moved closer and kissed her lips, a smack. Pulling away, he received a close look from Shane. He smiled at her reaction.
" After this, you'll be my girlfriend. And wife. And everything. Right? So smile for me baby."
" I-I'm not a baby." She blushed.
" I'll call you that since you will be my girlfriend."
" Then not 'baby'!" She complained and pouted.
He chuckled and said.. " Okay okay.. I'll think something better okay?"
All she can do is to nod in response. She looked away and reached for the seatbelt.
" Let's go?" She said with a smile.
" Now that's my girl." He pinched her cheeks and started driving.