I haven't posted in a while...

Aug 03, 2010 21:19

So I thought I'd get on my soap box.

There's a whole shitton of controversy over the plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero. Many are angry and outraged over the 'insensitivity' that someone, or some people, would dare to plan to build a religious center at the site of such a tragic event.


"There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia. The time for double standards that allow Islamists to behave aggressively toward us while they demand our weakness and submission is over.

The proposed "Cordoba House" overlooking the World Trade Center site - where a group of jihadists killed over 3000 Americans and destroyed one of our most famous landmarks - is a test of the timidity, passivity and historic ignorance of American elites." ~Newt Gingrich (http://www.newt.org/newt-direct/newt-gingrich-statement-proposed-%E2%80%9Ccordoba-house%E2%80%9D-mosque-near-ground-zero because what happens in other countries really must be the standard for our country, forget rising to the level we've set for ourselves regarding religious tolerance and acceptance of all, that would just be silly - haha. I explain down below why this is utter racist bullshit.)

This saddens me - angers me first, but that just turns to wondering, disbelieving sadness. I question the goodness of American citizens when they are this racist - yes, that's what this outrage is, a blindingly clear example of racism.

Jezebel.com put it so plainly:

"To claim that a mosque at Ground Zero "stabs hearts" is to acknowledge that you still equate all Islam with Al Qaeda - and you don't even feel bad about it." (http://jezebel.com/5590552/palin-speaks-jibberish-to-express-her-xenophobia#ixzz0vb3FnQJh)

Islam =/= terrorism. Let's repeat that, Islam =/= terrorism. Newt, this is directed at you. Just like any other religion can replace the first value in that equation and still make it true. Extremists exist in every religion, do we discount the faith of Christians (I have chosen to use this religion as an example as it is the predominant religion in the USA) because radicals do horrendous things in the name of the god they profess to follow? Example: any rhetoric or ideology (in this case, also known as drivel) coming from from the KKK. Oh, but you say, they aren't 'Christian', so that example isn't valid. No, shit Sherlock, they greatly, horribly, tragically misconstrue the teachings of the Christian faith. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the peaceful majority of Islamic religion view the fringe groups that engage in terroristic acts the same way?

Why must the entrenched established Americans always be reminded that this is America - land of the Free and all that - a society founded on the idea that no one group (like, Christians) is more important than the rest (like every other religion out there), all are free to practice their beliefs within our boarders? And because Someone is going to go there, by 'free to practice their beliefs within our boarders' I mean free so long as they do not encroach upon the rights of others - and no, building a mosque at Ground Zero is not encroaching on anyone's right, no really, they are not. I shall explain - I turn again to the lovely jezebel.com article:

"Opposing a mosque at Ground Zero sends the message that American Muslims must tread carefully, lest they offend real Americans by reminding them too much of what some people with the same religion (and possibly skin color) once did. That's a recipe for a perpetually divided - and perpetually unjust - society..." (same article from above)

Again I ask, why must this be constantly repeated?

And here's my plug in to my religious roots, I am even more saddened to hear Mormon members outraged and upset over these plans. You know why? Because of their history - you'd think the opposition and hardship faced by the early members of this religion would give insight to Latter-Day Saints. They should know what it's like to face religious prosecution, what is the whole month of July to Mormons but a tribute to the faith of the Pioneers that came across a half a continent to find a place to practice their religion in peace. Such a tradition should lend this religion's practitioners a sympathetic understanding. But it doesn't, some of the most visceral opposition to the plans to build this mosque I've heard have been from my friends, my Mormon fellows.

The tragedy of 9/11 (and don't anyone get me wrong, my support for the freedom of religion and my understanding of how fringe groups arise in no way diminishes my grief and acknowledgment of the tragedy of what happened to the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001) should not be used as grounds for a perpetuation of racist beliefs and tendencies.

But a small beam of hopeful light shines through, the Landmark Preservation Commission of New York City voted 9-0 to deny landmark status of the building purchased for the mosque. The plans to build the mosque are a go. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38538068/ns/us_news-life/?GT1=43001 , though, the article doesn't do justice by really pointing out out stupid and racist the outspoken opponents of these plans are, sure, the quotes speak for themselves, but more people need to call them on that tripe)
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