
Aug 27, 2014 20:31

For those that don't know I've had chronic migraines since I was 14. I spent more days a week with a migraine of varying degrees than I did without one. My mom took me seriously as a kid when I complained about the pain and other symptoms, the rest of my family didn't. My dad bitched like you wouldn't believe about every doctor bill he had to pay, ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

dragonydreams August 28 2014, 01:48:58 UTC
I'm sorry you have to go through so much head pain again.

I get really bad sinus headaches, so I sympathize. (One should not have to have head pain every time the weather changes.)

I hope the time goes by quickly for you so you can get on new meds.


shannon730 August 28 2014, 01:55:27 UTC
Thanks! Fortunately some of it doesn't last long, like auras go away when the pain starts so my food only tasted like a bucket of salt for one day.

Sorry about the sinus headaches. Those also seriously suck and apparently depending on the symptoms and where the pain is can also be a migraine, my doctor and I discussed every type of migraine an adult can have.


dragonydreams August 28 2014, 01:59:19 UTC
Yeah, I have guessed that when the pain is in my temples it's probably a migraine. My acupuncturist tries to address it, and I have Chinese herbs to take to try to prevent them, but that doesn't always help.

That's good that some of the symptoms are temporary. Still not fun, but more tolerable.


thrace_adams August 28 2014, 01:49:39 UTC
OH no, I"m so sorry to hear this :((( Sends you lots of love.


shannon730 August 28 2014, 01:58:47 UTC
Thanks. There have been moments in the last few days where I've seriously wondered if my vision is that important. A few years with small random migraines kills your tolerance for this crap.


thrace_adams August 28 2014, 02:07:40 UTC
I can't even imagine bb :((((


velvetwhip August 28 2014, 03:03:22 UTC
I wish like anything that there was something I could do. I am so sorry you are suffering like this.


P.S. Yahoo Mail is down, so that's why you have not heard from me.


shannon730 August 28 2014, 03:30:49 UTC
Thank you. And it's down again? Yahoo kind of sucks


(The comment has been removed)

shannon730 August 29 2014, 16:39:40 UTC

I had one day free of migraines yesterday...


snogged August 28 2014, 11:44:30 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that you have to go through so much pain again in order to find a cure for your vision.
I hope time goes by fast so you can start the new meds.

*gentle hugs*


shannon730 August 29 2014, 16:41:58 UTC
Thanks. I had one good day yesterday and tried to get things done and woke up with one today. I so shouldn't be on here, it makes it worse and I know it, but it's this or listen to my mom read me stupid celebrity lists.


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