1. Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with.
2. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
The five I was given by
suspicious1. Horses
um, yeah. Not much to say, really. I ride, I work at the barn on campus, my major is horse-related. I love horses.
warning, mind-rape imminent. lol. So, I've watched Lost since the beginning. Sawyer is my fav, followed by Sayid and Hurley, I still miss Charlie and want him back, Ben is a manipulative bastard, and I go back and forth as to whether Locke is okay or a pain in the ass. I love how badass Sun has become, I used to really like Kate but she's gotten kind of annoying recently, and I don't know if I like Juliet or not, I'm leaning towards yes but I don't like how it seems like they're leaning towards pairing her with Sawyer, since he's obviously still in love with Kate. I ship Kate with Sawyer, not Jack. I don't really like Jack much anymore. I don't mind Jack with Juliet. haha this was one of the things I wanted to update about, I'll post my thoughts about recent episodes below because of spoilers.
3. Dean Winchester
:D Aren't you glad I introduced you to the awesomeness that is Supernatural?
Dean. Is. Awesome.
Though my crush on Sam has increased since meeting Jared at Comic Con. Both of them are damn fine. But Dean will always be my favorite. It's his wisecracks and the crazy stuff he does and his leather jacket and his car :D
4. LotR
My first major obsession. I'm enough of a dork to have also read the Silmarillion (more than once, too) and liked it, I own the extended editions of the movies, I had LOTR calendars for like 3 years. I can't pick a favorite character, but I love Merry and Pippin, Gimli, Eowyn, Aragorn, Faramir. I believe Orlando Bloom was my first celebrity crush :p
I saw Fellowship a few months before Two Towers came out. I immediately read the book, and that was that, I was hooked. After reading Fellowship I decided I'd wait until seeing the movies before reading the other books, which was the right idea, it made the movies so much better, and in a way the books also. From the movies I knew the plot, but there's so much more in the books, the story's so much richer, already knowing the plot didn't detract from the experience at all.
It is my goal (along with
spanish_silver) to get
suspicious to watch the movies. It will happen! :p
5. Tamora Pierce
She's my favorite author, and she was half the reason I wanted to go to New York Comic Con. I was even going to cosplay as one of her characters. She introduced me to medieval fantasy, for which I will be forever grateful. I have read her Circle of Magic books, but I absolutely love her Tortall books.
So I realize I haven't said anything about how Comic Con went.
Well, for one, I was SO PISSED when I went to get my cosplay out of the car and realized the shirt was still in my closet. SO PISSED. Cate said she wants to see it, so maybe I'll put it on for everyone and take a couple pics and post them. It's not the same but whatever. Moving on, I got to see 2 out of 3 people I was excited about, and they were the ones I was most excited about, so I can't complain. We were in line for Jared Padalecki's (Sam on Supernatural, also Dean on Gilmore Girls but I don't care about that :p) signing until it was too late to get in line for Milo Ventimiglia's (Peter on Heroes, and ironically he was also on Gilmore Girls, and again I don't really care :p) panel so we could get tickets to his signing. BUT we got to see Jared, which was awesome. He's even more gorgeous in person, which I believe I've said like 4 times now, lol. SO definitely worth standing in line for an hour and a half for :D
Jared was actually at Comic Con as part of a Friday the 13th promotion/panel/signing, so we got this dumb Friday the 13th poster signed by him and 3 other guys I have no clue who they were. But he signed my Supernatural disk!!!
Then we got something to eat and then I got back in line, this time to see Tamora Pierce. I really wish I had my cosplay, because it was better than the two other girls cosplaying Daine. Though there was a girl with a really good Beka costume, which I had considered, but Daine is my favorite and when it comes down to it I look more like her than Beka.
I now have both Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen signed, both in hardcover, too!
Seeing all the cosplays was entertaining. Of course, there were some really amazing ones and some oh so terrible ones. Overall, too much Star Wars and Naruto. The Naruto is a given, but despite how awesome Star Wars is, after seeing dozens of Jedis walking around it gets a little old. My favorite cosplay was, however, a Star Wars one. Me and Cate were standing in line for Jared and we hear this beeping, and a life-size remote-controlled R2D2 comes rolling by, followed by this little kid dressed as Anakin Skywalker, complete with lightsaber. He was so adorable!
haha anyway, we wandered around for a while, went back to the hotel for a bit, then went out again to Times Square to hang out for a bit while waiting for our table at Olive Garden. Yes, we went to NYC and ate at Olive Garden.
and a few sentences about recent Lost episodes. God this entry is long, I promise I'll stop soon lol
OMG I'M SO HAPPY JIN'S ALIVE!!! And I loved his and Sawyer's reunion. Big man-hug. Well, I wasn't all that attached to Charlotte, so the only reason I'm sad about her dying is because Faraday just confessed his love to her, and I do like him, so I'm sad for his sake. Other than that I thought she was kind of annoying. What I really want is more on Myles. So far he's just been thrown in there with no real explanation or development. Also, that theory about Mrs. Hawking being Faraday's mother was right! But, Kate kissing Jack in the preview? DO NOT WANT. Kate+Sawyer forever.
Heroes tonight! Nathan, you asshole, go jump off a cliff. Oh wait. Damn it you can fly. um... how about... Go die in a fire. I'm so pissed about who died last episode (too lazy for another cut, lol).
Okay, enough procrastination, I really need to write this essay now.
edit: lol, changed my icon because I realized I haven't used my Dean icon in a journal post in a while XD