Please consider writing to your representatives and Senators Feinstein and Boxer about the Mormon Church's actions in passing Proposition 8.
This site has a good summary of some of the issues at hand as regards tax exempt status for religious organizations, and feel free to reproduce as much of the text of my letter below to save time.
8 November
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Comments 22
Aren't you an Objectivist? Don't you have a problem with these superstitious whim-worshipers?
I think you misunderstood my post, or I wasn't clear with it. I was suggesting that in addition to polite inquiries with the appropriate authorities to quietly investigate LDS electoral mischief in this election, that many of the things suggested by Dale Carpenter in his Volokh Conspiracy post are good ideas - sit-ins, civil disobedience, that kind of thing. To the extent I agree with Carpenter, it's more that the obviously anti-Mormon protests, that is, the protests at their temples, may not be the wisest strategy. If there's one thing that the Mormon Church has, like all Christians I suppose, it's a siege mentality - only much more intense. And protests directly at the temples feed into that. Now, I point this out not to suggest that we should be nice to the Mormon Church with hopes of getting them to change their minds or anything, but rather to make it harder for them to spin the reaction as some kind of anti ( ... )
So I will refer you to my earlier comment and suggest you get your premises in order.
As for political rationality, I'd hardly consider myself a fan of his, but you do know that there are Democrats who are Mormons, like Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who I've not really seen posturing as an anti-gay politician.
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