[Meme] Selected livejournal settings
1. My username is _____ because ____.
"shannona" because when I first started this journal I was in college. I did not understand what the concept of livejournal was, and I thought it would be a place just to keep my own thoughts. Not a medium to keep my thoughts and history and also allow my friends insight into my deepest brains. So, I chose my name... plus my last initial. ShannonA. LJ made it all lowercase when it was all too late.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
"Shannon" because my parents wanted to name me after my mom.
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
"Interminable Ponderings" as they are my ponderings that do not terminate.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
"The Answer is Always Monkeys" it was originally something about Crack... but it was uncomfortable to have the tab open at work that said 'Crack' so I changed it to something that was still true... but wouldn't be weird as an open tab.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
"Pink Hair" cuz it's awesome.