Title: Slowly
Author: Shannon
Rating: G
Characters: Willow/Angel
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me
Word Count: 100
Summary: Willow's fallen in love.
Author's Notes: Written for Gabrielle, who asked for Willow/Angel Romance fic. It's sort of that
She had fallen in love with Angel. It had happened slowly. She'd been angry that her friends were going to let him die and went to help. She'd been too late; the battle over. She had stayed to help him recover. While he healed they'd spend hours talking. They talked about so many things that she'd never really been able to talk to her friends about. Then he was healthy again and it had had been time for her to leave and found she couldn't. She had someone who understood her and she'd find a way to make it work.
Title: Oversight
Author: Shannon
Rating: G
Characters: Dawn
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me
Word Count: 100
Summary: Dawn finds out Spike isn't dead.
Author's Notes: Written for Jan, who asked for Spike/Dawn friendship fic. It's sort of that
He was alive.
Spike was alive and they'd kept it from her for months. She'd have passed it off as an oversight from Andrew. It wasn't like she went out of her way to keep in touch with him. But they all knew. No Way could that be an oversight. They'd deliberately kept it from her so she wouldn't try to contact the 'evil' vampire.
Once again, they'd treated her like a child, Dawn thought as she threw clothes into a suitcase. That's why she was going to Los Angeles. She'd go to the only one who never did that.