Random stuff 10:

Sep 10, 2011 10:20


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2) So I think I have finally gone and mentally checked out of the Harry Potter fandom. I mean, there's still one or two unfinished fics I will get around to, that I think I can still write and everything if I just get around to it, but I just can't get into my usual headcanon thinking. Used to be I could form head canon around everything, now I'm basically down to "this is something that totally happened at Hogwarts during DH". It's weird, because I was convinced that seeing the last movie pulled me back into the whole thing, but now I just feel so distant.

To the point where I'm kinda irritated at all the "lets mix Harry Potter into this other fandom"-craze, even as I totally understand why it's happened this summer. Meh, I guess it's just natural to get weird about a fandom you're phasing out of.

3) You know what cliche that if it's not my most hated one, then it is assuredely up there in the top ten, is? Black Dude Dies First. Because, seriously? I generally dislike it when characters are obviously written to be killed in an obvious cheap shot for emotional involvement. (You know, the kind of character that is written so over the top sympathetically that you just know that they're gonna kick the bucket at the precise moment of shit getting serious?) But with the black dude, it's not even necessarily given a written effort, just a casting effort. What's worse is that usually when this trope plays out, it's literally "the black dude" since there's only one black cast member at that point! And then it's zero! So the white dudes can live another day, having learned a valuable lesson from that guy they almost knew who sacrificed himself for them.

And yet, they can make it worse. The Hollywood script writers can make it worse, by having the trope added in adaptation. That's right, even if the black dude survived to a happy ending in the book, the movie version will have an axe buried in his chest. Or if the guy who died didn't have a race description, or was written as white, he will be black in the movie.

And gah, really, the most annoying part? It's totally predictable, always feels disappointing when it happens, and there's absolutely no reason that the writers should keep tying themselves down to following this rule as if it were ironclad! I mean, good God, do they still insist on villains fiddling with their incredibly long mustaches, whilst plotting their next caper of tying damsels to railroads? No? So why is that other cliche still alive?!?

Because it's alive. When a movie released just this summer where the black dude has as their special power to be "survival", and they still are the first powered to die? That's beating the ashes of the dead horse with the splinters of a broken bat! That's how hard you're clinging to an idea that sucks!

That rambling rant aside, I did otherwise enjoy X-men; First Class when I saw it a few months ago. And if I spoiled you with this, then clearly you have not realised from my rant that this trope's existance has already spoiled every movie with a token black guy in it, that isn't already determined "no one dies".

4) Ahhh, I almost feel pressure over this being the big official number 10, though there's nothing official about any of these, these posts are literally just "random stuff"!

5) So the one AMV I'm exceptionally proud of, is the only one blocked in several countries. How's that for a bummer? Well, at least people in the US can see it. For now.

Makes me think about either looking up my old account at amv.org or make a new one. Hmmm.

6) Why is the usual English translation of the Swedish national anthem "Thou Ancient, Thou Free"? The Swedish anthem uses the way more informal and modern form of "Du" which should translate into "You". I mean, if it had been "Ni" or the even more oldfashioned "I", then I would have understood, but how does one get "Du" into "Thou"? I mean, look at the general usage of the word "du", and then translate it with "Thou":

Swedish: Hörru du där borta!
English: Hey thou over there!
Swedish: Du din jävla skithög!
English: Thou fucking pile of shit!

You see!? It changes the meaning entirely when you translate a word from one time of usage to a completely different one!

I mean, I'm not bothered by it, but I'm just so confused!!

7) Speaking of which, I think I'm starting to have a problem with myself. At times I think I am too picky about "proper language". To the point where it gets ridiculous, because try as I might, I don't live up to my own standards. Granted, one of the personal traits of Saggittarius is a tendency to have higher standards than what you live up to, no matter how you try, but still. It gets annoying in the long run, when I can't trust myself to judge someone else's use of language, but yet get irritated by it. Gah!! This post is probably full of errors that I've missed, or didn't realise were errors.

8) Also, I thought I found my writing muse, but she flew away again. Probably because this first full school week got a bit more stressful than I thought it would. Maybe if I hadn't decided to go all out on my return to swimming regularily, I wouldn't have been so tired.

9) Wait, so why did the chicken want to get to the other side, any way?

10) Yeah, you know what? I think this post is plenty random enough by now.

random stuff

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