OOC - Profile Meme

May 10, 2009 21:22

[Character Name] Seraphita (Sera)
[Canon] Digital Devil Saga
[Point Taken from Canon] Right before she wakes up in reality again upon being saved by the Embryon.

[Age] 7, but she looks 18
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Grey
[Hair Color] Black
[Height] Shorter then normal.


Sera was created from the DNA of a famous scientist, Jenna Angel, so that she could be used in an experiment that the Karma Society was conducting. In this world, everything in the world is made of data, and the largest mass of data, where every bit of data eventually returns, is the Sun. The sun is referred to as “God” by many because of this. The Karma Society wished to learn more about God, and they bred Sera so that they could have access to the Cyber Shaman, the only person who is able to transfer data between God and the Earth. Unfortunately, conversing with God is not an easy task, and it was a huge strain on Sera. She began aging at an accelerated rate, even if her mind was still that of a child. By the time she was seven, she could barely survive out of the EGG fluid that had sustained her as she spoke with God.

She had three primary caretakers. The first of which was Serph Sheffield who was in charge of ensuring her mental stability. Unfortunately, this version of Serph was manipulative, and planned to gain the power of god for himself. He acted kind and caring towards Sera, but really, he was just using her. Still, as a result, Sera greatly admired him. The second of her caretakers was a gene therapist who monitored her physical condition, Heat O’Brian. Heat was very intense, and he scared her, but in truth, he was the one really looking out for her wellbeing. The third person was Argilla, who was a nurse.

While she was being experimented on, her ability to control data let her create her own virtual world. Within it, she also created AI characters that she could have fun with. All of them were based on people she knew in reality, including Serph, Heat, Argilla, and a young psychic boy she knew named Cielo.

Unfortunately, one day something went horribly wrong. While she was conversing with God, and just about at her limit, one of the technicians accidentally pressed a button that would let he see into the control room for the EGG… Just in time to hear that, actually, Heat was the only person looking out for her, and Serph was just manipulating everyone and would just replace her if she died. Then, right after that, Heat was killed.

Her resulting sorrow created a huge disaster. God felt her sorrow, and as a result, the sun turned black and corrupted. Corrupted data transferred to Earth, turning everyone in the sunlight to stone. Then, to punish Serph, God turned him into a demon, who proceeded to devour everyone in the whole control room before he was killed by the soldiers.

At this point, Sera took the AIs that were within her own virtual world, and sent them to a military simulation program, known as the Junkyard without any of their memories of her.

Five years later, Sera appears in the Junkyard just after the incident that changed the whole virtual world forever. Someone introduced the Atma, the demons, to the inhabitants of the world, and it was causing chaos. She is found by the Embryon tribe, which just happened to be lead by all of her AI, with one extra man named Gale. However, when she wakes up, she doesn’t remember anything! All she knows is that she came to the Junkyard to help everyone. She’s a complete enigma to the Embryon, since she doesn’t have a tag ring, which everyone in the Junkyard is supposed to have, and her hair is black, while everyone in the Junkyard has odd hair colors. Also, she sings a song that helps to suppress the demons

However, Angel has been manipulating the tribes trough a building known as the Karma Temple, saying that if one tribes defeats all of the others, and then brings Sera to the temple, they will be sent to “Nirvana”.

Even though Gale proposes that everyone agree not to speak of Sera to anyone else, Argilla tells the leader of the Maribel tribe, Jinana, about her. Unfortunately, she was overheard by a traitor to the Maribel, Bat, and Bat told Mick, the leader of yet another tribe. Since only Cielo was at the base protecting Sera at the time, Sera was taken into Mick’s custody. He was going to use her to help suppress the demons of the Embryon so that he could easily defeat them.

When the Embryon arrive to save her, Sera refuses to sing, even at the threat of death. Heat tries to step up and get her back, but gets stabbed by Bat. Bat tells him to kill Serph, and then they would give Sera to him and accept him into their tribe instead. Heat looks like he’s actually going to follow them, but it’s really just a ploy to get Sera back. While Mick is watching Serph and Heat duel, Sera slips out of his arms and tries to jump off the building. When she grabs her, she suddenly uses a strange power to force him to let go. Bat almost re-captures her, but she’s saved by Cielo instead.

When she wakes up, she begins to show more and more signs of being attracted to Serph, like hugging him periodically. Unfortunately, that turns out to be a little too much for Heat, who obviously cared a lot about her. While the rest of the Tribe set up a trap for Bat and his new tribe, the Brutes, Heat and Sera returned to the Embryon’s new base. Once there, Sera was worrying about Serph’s safety, Heat began questioning her about it. Sera said it was just because they were comrades, but Heat knew better and grabbed her, confused about why she loved Serph more, because he was stronger then Serph. Sera tried to say that strength wasn’t everything, but Heat cut her off by forcing her to kiss him. She started crying, and as soon as Heat let her go, she ran off.

Soon afterward, the Embryon learn that the Brutes almost completely wiped out their rival tribe, and Wolves. Everyone goes underground with the Wolves’ leader, Lupa, to find a secret entrance into the Brute’s base. Along the way, Lupa looses control because he hasn’t eaten enough, and Sera can’t control him because he was too far-gone. At this point, she suddenly remembers only one thing. That God had told her that the “cycle of sadness must not continue.”

The Embryon invade the Brute’s base, and find the leader of the tribe, Varin. However, Varin seems to recognize most of them, besides Gale. He claims that his name is Colonel Beck, and hints at the events that occurred between the real versions of all of the AI. He also says that everyone had been cast into the Junkyard by Sera in a terrible incident, and that she had the power to destroy the world. At this, Sera’s memories of reality, or rather “Nirvana” return, except for her memories of Heat O’Brian’s death.

Sera ran away from the Embryon, going to the Karma Temple on her own. With her memories returned, she knew exactly who Angel was, and knew that Angel planned to use her in reality to do terrible things. The gates to “Nirvana” had opened, but Sera was determined to keep her friends away so they wouldn’t be in danger. She brought one of the demons with her to the top of the Karma Temple, and faced Jenna Angel, telling her that she would go with her if she promised not to hurt any of her friends. She even has the demon with her place his swords at her throat, begging Angel to leave, and saying she wouldn’t help her. Angel responds by erasing the demon, and every part of the Junkyard besides the Karma Temple.

Soon, the Embryon arrive, and Sera freezes them in place while she tearfully moves toward Angel. Somehow, Heat and Serph get out of the hold she placed, and even though she tries again, Serph is still able to move, and to eventually attack Angel.

When Angel is defeated, the Junkyard begins to collapse. Everyone runs for the portal to Nirvana, but as the tower collapses, it looked like Serph wouldn’t make it. The second Serph fell, Sera screamed and made the gate shoot out to engulf them all. Within the light of the gate to Nirvana, Sera reaches out for Serph, and promises to find him again.


Sera is a very intelligent girl, but she still has the emotional capacity of a child. She has a very wide range of emotions, and tends to cry or get depressed a bit easily. Also, she tends not to plan everything she does through, since she probably didn’t know what she would do after she jumped off of the building to escape Mick. She feels bad because, even though she came to the Junkyard to help everyone, she kept causing problems for them instead, despite her usefulness in keeping the tribe under control. She also is very aware that the current state of the real world is at least partially her fault.

She cherishes her friends deeply, and always wants to protect them, even going as far as to be willing to give her life in order to ensure their safety. All in all, she’s a very sweet and caring young woman who likes to help people.

In spite of the actions of the man who inspired her to create the AI of Serph, Sera cares about him more then any of the others. Even if other people were in trouble, if she had to decide between saving Serph, or saving anyone else, she would probably pick Serph.

She also seems to be a little ignorant of other people’s feelings towards her, especially in Heat’s case. In spite of his rather obvious love of her, she doesn’t seem to know of it until he kisses her.

Singing is also something she really likes, since she’s seen singing her song, which is a song that Jenna Angel used to sing to her, even when she doesn’t have to.

[Specialties/Abilities] Any powers or special talents they may have :O

As the Cyber Shaman, Sera was the only person in the world who could control the flow of data. She could transfer data from Earth, to God, and vice versa. She was also the only person who could converse with God for short periods of time without going insane or dying, in spite of the huge strain on her. Obviously, this is not going to be something that will be too relevant in Somarium, because it doesn’t follow the same physical rules as the world that Sera came from.

As I mentioned before, Sera’s song has the power to calm the murderous impulses of anyone who has an Atma. This is why the Embryon can maintain their sanity most of the time, even if they don’t devour anyone. In a later part of the second game, Sera gains an Atma as well, but since she isn’t from that time, she won’t have it in Somarium.

[Affection] Other characters can TRY to get Sera to fall for them, but Sera's got her heart set on someone already. Serph. It would be very hard, or probably impossible, to get her to stop thinking about him.

[Fighting] You can try to fight Sera, but she's not the fighting type at all, nor is she the kind to pick fights at all. If there are fights around her, she'd also probably try to stop them. She doesn't like violence.

[Other Facts] Nothing much for now!


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