RANDOMhero2019: shantelle....i nearly called you at 2 this morning
Auto response from Shantiebear: I am Idle...
Shantiebear: for what reason sir
RANDOMhero2019: i got really scared
Shantiebear: ??
Shantiebear: why
RANDOMhero2019: i got a phone call at 206 this morning
Shantiebear: me too i got it at 215
Shantiebear: alli got it at 220
RANDOMhero2019: so i opened my phone to see who it was...and it said new call
RANDOMhero2019: i answered it
Shantiebear: mine said private
Shantiebear: hers said restricted
RANDOMhero2019: and a really creepy machine voice said hello and asked me how i was
RANDOMhero2019: so i hung up
Shantiebear: yeah me too
Shantiebear: hes like ive gotta ask you some questions
Shantiebear: omg!
Shantiebear: thats so scary!!!
Shantiebear: i was like its 2 in the morning leave me alone
RANDOMhero2019: i know
RANDOMhero2019: i was so scared
RANDOMhero2019: i couldn't sleep
Shantiebear: me too
Shantiebear: aww casey!
Shantiebear: thats so scary
Shantiebear: who was it
RANDOMhero2019: i stayed up until 3
RANDOMhero2019: i have no idea
Shantiebear: i wonder who else they called
RANDOMhero2019: i don't know, but i was scared to close my eyes
RANDOMhero2019: i didn't move
Shantiebear: awww i was scared too
Shantiebear: alli thought someone was outsdie the window
Shantiebear: i dreamed of saw afterwards
RANDOMhero2019: lol
RANDOMhero2019: i was almost tempted to call them back
RANDOMhero2019: but i was too nervous
Shantiebear: do u have a number to call back
Shantiebear: cuz we didnt even get a number to come up
RANDOMhero2019: nope i don't, i says invalid number format
RANDOMhero2019: damn
Shantiebear: omg! thats so scary
Shantiebear: we were all here last night
RANDOMhero2019: i wonder if brian got one
RANDOMhero2019: that would be so creepy
Shantiebear: yeah thats what we were thinkin
RANDOMhero2019: someone is stalking us
RANDOMhero2019: and i do not approve
Shantiebear: i dont approve at all
RANDOMhero2019: i'm turning my phone off at night now
RANDOMhero2019: i'm glad it happened to someone else too though
RANDOMhero2019: no offense
Shantiebear: yea me too
Shantiebear: thats werid...y us 3
RANDOMhero2019: i know
RANDOMhero2019: i hope other people got it too
RANDOMhero2019: i'm gonna ask everyone
Shantiebear: me too
Shantiebear: casey im scared now
Auto response from RANDOMhero2019: i do not approve of phone calls with creepy machine voices asking me how i am and 2:06 in the fucking morning
RANDOMhero2019: so am i
RANDOMhero2019: i don't like it
Shantiebear: i didnt think anything of it last night
Shantiebear: but now im scared
RANDOMhero2019: how could it just be us 3
RANDOMhero2019: it doesn't make sense
Shantiebear: i dunno
RANDOMhero2019: someone else had to have gotten it
Shantiebear: i dont get it
RANDOMhero2019: if brian didn't then i'll feel a little better
Shantiebear: what/who was it
Shantiebear: he said he didnt
RANDOMhero2019: but still, it can't be a coincadence
RANDOMhero2019: us all being in the same place that night
RANDOMhero2019: did you read that story about the college campus stalker
RANDOMhero2019: he's in the 10 most wanted
Shantiebear: no mso shhh
RANDOMhero2019: i didn't read it either
RANDOMhero2019: but i saw it
Shantiebear: well i dont care to know
Shantiebear: lol
Shantiebear: im scared...
RANDOMhero2019: i have fucking goosebumps
RANDOMhero2019: if i would have stayed at your house last night, i would have lost my mind
RANDOMhero2019: all 3 of us, in the same place, getting the same creepy call 10 minutes apart
RANDOMhero2019: your basement door randomly swinging open for no reason
RANDOMhero2019: fuck that
Shantiebear: omg!
Shantiebear: i called out ur name when the basement door was open
Shantiebear: and allis
Shantiebear: like u both saw it
Shantiebear: not brian tho
RANDOMhero2019: its fucking wierd
RANDOMhero2019: neither did ernie
RANDOMhero2019: we're getting to much into this
RANDOMhero2019: there has to be a reasonable explanation
Shantiebear: i hope so