small steps to happiness

Sep 24, 2014 23:37

chen-centric ; 575 words ; g
just doing little things can make your day, and maybe your life.

um it's my birthday today so i just wanted to write a little cheesy something for myself
and yes jongdae is my bias but i wanted to write something based off this
and i think his positive attitude and general sunshine really works with it!!

jongdae yawns. he's left his curtains open in hopes of his body sensing when the night shifts from after-midnight black to indigo and then finally the pre-dawn periwinkle, but he's not quite used to waking up this early yet. luckily, his body is fairly awake after sitting up in bed and gently rubbing his eyes for a minute or so.

it's barely bright enough that he doesn't have to turn on any lights. he reaches for the thick cabled scarf and wraps it around his neck, letting his fingers rest in the holes for a few seconds. it's so soft. maybe he'll knit one himself soon. he stops on his way out the door to write it down in his notebook on the to-do pages. buy a skein of yarn and some needles. then he slips his arms through his thick coat, pulling on the sleeves even though they're always too long and carefully buttoning all the way up.

he's up and out before the rest of the world. the city never completely sleeps, but few people are awake yet. he closes his apartment door and starts up the steps. the sounds of the city are so faint beneath his footsteps it's as if they aren't there, not even enough to be white noise. just the soft sound of tires stopping and starting against concrete and the quiet tick-tock of the pedestrian traffic lights. but those don't count time.

finally, the rooftop. there's no apartment on the rooftop; it's a community space, but jongdae knows that no one else will be up there at this time. the cool air envelops him, and although it's wonderfully refreshing he's glad he brought his woolly scarf. he hugs his arms around his torso, gathering warmth while gazing up at the sky. now it's a paler blue, so calming and light despite the absence of the sun over the horizon.

he waits. a few clouds drift into his hemisphere of vision, wispy and faint like the gentle beginnings of an art piece. he's so mesmerized by the clouds that he first notices the change in them, not in the sky. suddenly the cloud bellies are not a darker gray periwinkle combination, but a faint pink-ish blue, then a blue-ish pink, and finally pink. he shifts his attention to the rest of the sky. the sun peeks over the horizon, burning a neon scarlet into the cityscape, yet the sky around it is not harsh. rather, it is gentle; the wispy clouds have been joined by soft streaks of color that begin vibrantly and blend into the pale blue surrounding them. the result is a palette of bright and pale hues: reds, pinks, blues, purples, oranges, all gorgeous. jongdae tries to take a few pictures every day, but they never do justice to the real phenomenon.

it's so beautiful, and it's different every day. any feeling of tiredness that he hadn't rubbed out of his eyes is now floating away in the wind.

when he reenters his apartment, lining his shoes up neatly against the wall, the next thing he does is go to his notebook. not the to-do one, but his detail diary.
watched the sunrise and felt more energized, he writes neatly with his trusty black ink pen.

he looks over at his to-do list. there's always one thing he keeps at the top.

have a great day. be good to others, but be good to yourself too.

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