(no subject)

Jun 25, 2003 17:11

Personal questions:

X1X Name: JoAnna
X2X Country/state: USA, ohio
X3X Moon and sun signs: uhh libra
X4X Number of friends on LJ list: like 5
X5X TIME born: 1:30?
X6X Age: 15
X7X Type of ISP: cable
X8X Paranormal phenomena most entraced with: the ouiji board?
X9X Brand of diapers (when baby): huggies? i don't know
X10X : yes, ten.
X11X Average number of hours a day spent on the internet: way too many
X12X Number of serious steads: 1 or 2. not sure about the second dude, it was in 8th grade. we were dumb then.
X13X Number of sex partners: none
X14X Listen to songs of foreign languages? If so, what languages?: nope
X15X Study/fluent in foreign languages? If so, what are they?: no
X16X Number of trips to the toilet every day: everytime i have to go
X17X IQ score: (Only answer if taken a real IQ test by an invigilator, not online IQ tests)
X18X Closest stereotype: (hippie, nerd, goth, skater, punk, prep, slacker, indie, grunge, emo, etc) emo? i d k eveyone calls me emo but i dont think i am
X19X Age virginity lost: still have it
X20X Ever been to jail?: nope
X21X Ever taken illegal drugs? What were they?: yea, weed, k, methadone, and yellow jackets
X22X Brand of computer: gateway
X23X You in one word: loud
X24X ... okay.
X25X Quote/word coined: what?
X26X Ambition: none
X27X Usernames and where were they used: d3ftonesxfreak AIM
X28X Colour of hair and eyes: brown, blue
X29X Think you'll go to heaven or hell: (Pretend you believe for a minute even if you dont) hell
X30X Number of siblings: none
X31X Superstitions believed in: (throwing salt over the shoulder, never walk under a ladder, never cross a black cats path, friday 13th, horseshoes, rabbits foot, 7 years bad luck for breaking a mirror, fengsui, etc) none
X32X Award shows/pageants never missed: (miss world, MTV awards, oscars, etc) i hate those things
X33X Religion: agnostic
X34X Bottle or breast fed: uh bottle i think
X35X Types of 'magical' item owned: (chalice, wands, gemstones [for healing purposes etc not for jewellery], cauldrons, herbs [not used for cooking], etc): none...

X1X Community/ies in livejournal: i d k
X2X User/s in livejournal: nevermind them
X3X hm
X4X Olden times singer/s and band/s: (50s-70s) the cure
X5X Boyband: o-twn
X6X Typed of footwear: (court shoes, slippers, sandals, stilettos, pumps, sneakers, etc) sandals
X7X Mythical creature: (unicorns, fairies, elves, gnomes, leprechauns, mermaids, loch ness monster, bigfoot, vampires, etc) bigfoot.
X8X Type of music: (gregorian, top hits, pop, rock and roll, alternatives, rap, rhythm and blues, barbershop quartet, bluegrass, country, ballads, etc) alt. rock. emo.
X9X Comedy: never been kissed
X10X Sci-fi: ... no
X11X Soap-opera: EH
X12X Fantasy movie: the goonies
X13X Animated movie: the lion kind
X14X Constellation: no
X15X Part of body: eyes
X16X oh geez.
X17X Fairytale when a kid: goldylocks
X18X Hot drink: coffee
X19X Livejournal creations: (LJmatch, number of links between users, LJuser name meaning, LJ trading cards, etc) the death thing
X20X Type of jewelery: (bracelets, necklaces, chockers, nose studs, rings, etc) bracelets, necklaces
X21X Favourite subject: (politics, law, science, math, economics, english, languages, home economics, medicine, etc) photo


1. Who was the last person you met off the internet? megan? i d k i was talkingto her online then 10 mins later i went to her house...
2. What is the longest you?ve gone without sleep? a day
3. When was the last time you had cookies and milk? last year
4. Favorite cereal? oreo o's
5. One thing you said as a child that got you into trouble? i hate you
6. When was the last time you were spanked? Sexual or non or both? never sexual.. but when i was little i was always in the corner
7. Can you burp on command? yup
8. Last time you had a burp that rated high on the burp scale? yesterday in kirstins car
9. If you were to get plastic surgery on just on part of your body, which would it be? my nose
11. If you could be one of the seven dwarfs, which would you be? grumpy
12. What would be your one regret if you were to be struck by lightning and die right now? him.
14. Favorite commercial? commericals suck
15. Did you notice, theres no 13? or ten.
16. Who did you last go camping with? never
17. Ever met anyone famous? yep
18. Who is your favorite Batman? uh...
19. What was your favorite childhood cartoon? rugrats
20. Have you ever slept in a car (not while the car was moving like a road trip)? no
21. Ever laid down in the tall grass and done your stuff? no
22. What kind of undies do you prefer? thongs. im a whore
23. Last place you went on a road trip to? waffle house
22. Favortie Michael Jackson song (and don?t lie and say you don?t have one)? beat it
23. Who was the first person you kissed? some kid named ryan
24. Who was the last person you kissed? mike. ew. well me and steven kinda kissed w/o tounge [we shotguned a cigg lol]
25. Infinity, Caddy, Mercedes, or BMW? (pick just one) ..none
26. Favorite SNL sketch? pat, or chris farley saying "when you live in a van down by the river!" oh and i like the 2 people who sing paradoies i forget their named
27. What was the last thing you wished for? a hot b.f. i like guys too much.
28. How expensive were the last pair of shoes you bought? 45?
29. Name one thing you?ve purchased and never used, but keep telling yourself you?re gonna? thats basically everything i buy
30. Quote a movie: will u give me oral pleasure? only if u kiss it [pulp fiction]
31. Favorite Pjs? i wear my clothes lol
32. Have you ever gotten a fortune from a fortune cookie that you kept? no
33. If so, what did it say? no
34. Favorite candy bar? twix
35. Have you ever traveled outside the USA? yep
36. What?s a wierd thing that you collect? hm
37. Name an embarassing moment: no
38. Who?s the funniest person you know? j'me
39. Who?s the meanest? j'me lol
40. Is it possible to have more than one best friend? yep
41. What is your favorite picture of yourself? the one where ilook like a fetus
42. Do you think you?re a good person? no
43. Do you think others do? no
44. What?s the worst pick up line you?ve heard? do you wash ur clothes in windex cuz i can see myself in ur pants
45. Who was the last person you were mad at? whitney and vince. their bitches.
46. Do you like it if someone bites you? only in the sexual way
47. What?s the worst medicine you?ve ever had? gelatin this pill i took when i was little. yea. and my anti-depressants
48. Who?s your favorite comedien? tom green
49. Johnny Depp: Hot or Not? hot
50. Does size matter? (this question was made up by a guy, can you tell???) nope. well... width.
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