What's the worst thing someone could do?
Kill somebody sneakily, without giving them a fair fight.
What's the worst thing someone could do to you?
What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
Go through that whole Riina split again.
What's the worst thing someone could say about a person?
That they were useless cowards.
What's the best thing someone could say about a person?
That they were brave and strong.
Are men and women basically different?
Well, physically, yeah. And girls are better fighters, at least when it comes to lightsabers and things. We make plans and stuff instead of just trying to beat the life out of an enemy.
Which is better, to be a woman or to be a man?
To be a woman, definitely.
What can men do that women can't do?
Write their names in the snow or on walls?
What can women do that men can't do?
There's nothing we can do that they can't, it's just that they suck at it so we stopped letting them.
Is it possible to change genders?
I guess so?
How old is old enough to have sex?
Old enough to know what in space you're doing.
Is it wrong to have sex if you're unmarried?
Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your spouse if you're married?
Yeah, 'cause marriage means you're with that one person and only them for the rest of your life.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of the same gender?
I don't think so.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of a different race (or a different intelligent non-human species)?
As long as neither of you have toyfriends. But a Twi'lek will hit on you even if you do-- gotta watch for them. *cough*ALEMA*cough*
Is it wrong to have more than one sexual partner at the same time?
As long as everyone approves and it's not a secret? It would be really, really weird though.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone you don't love?
Yeah, I think so.
What are the responsibilities of a mother toward a child?
To love it and take care of it and teach it everything.
What are the responsibilities of a father toward a child?
Same thing.
What are the responsibilities of a child toward a parent?
To learn what they teach you.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your child?
Your child. They're your legacy.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your spouse?
Your spouse. (Kinda hard to answer these things when you don't have parents.)
Which should be more important to you, your child or your spouse?
Your child.
Is it wrong to have a child if you're unmarried?
No, as long as you can handle it.
Is abortion wrong?
Depends, I guess. If it can be avoided at all, it should be.
Is contraception wrong?
Is there one true religion?
Kinda hard to believe that when you see how many different ones there are spread out across the galaxy.
Does a deity or deities exist?
Sometimes I think so, and sometimes I don't. It depends on whether your life is in danger at the time.
How important is it to believe in a deity or deities?
Semi-important. Beliefs are something you can anchor yourself to when times get tough, but you can't let them cloud your thoughts and make you act stupid.
How important is it to actively practice your religion?
The big ceremonies and sacrifices and stuff? Not very.
Does magic exist?
We call it "The Force."
Is practicing magic wrong?
No. It's only the people who use it for evil that are wrong.
Is killing always wrong?
No, especially when they're trying to kill you back.
Is war always wrong?
It should be avoided if at all possible... but it's usually not possible.
How old is old enough to fight in a war?
Old enough to hold a weapon.
Is rape always wrong?
Is torture always wrong?
You should try and find a way around it if possible.
Is theft always wrong?
Yeah. Borrowing, however...
Is slavery wrong?
Totally. People still do it though.
Is lying wrong?
Is swearing wrong?
Only if you do it when kids are around.