Having now played with the user pictures on my profile I'm ready to say something. I'm still keeping to my weekly plan, so all's well so far. Given that it is my birthday tomorrow (happily a bank holiday Monday, so no work for me) I find myself dwelling on the changes that fall on us as we grow older. I'm only 24 this year, not yet even a quarter
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Comments 3
I find that I get more relaxation out of doing things that I enjoy after work - visiting a friend, watching a TV show, reading a book or playing a game that I really want to, or working on my own projects - than I do by just "relaxing" - browsing the internet or channel hopping. So long as I get a reasonable amount of sleep - 6-8 hours is pretty optimal for me - and I'm on top of my 'chores' - gym and the housework (I wash up when I use things, and do my laundry when I have enough for a load, so that I don't have it all to do at the weekend).
So overall I feel like I can get the time to do things I want, although compared to being at university, my free time is severely limited.
Of course, I'd support an initiative for a shorter working day;) - I work 9-6, 5 days a week.
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