TV Stuff

Nov 09, 2018 12:42

Since coming back, I've been trying to catch up with TV stuff I'd missed, plus anything new that seemed of interest.

Vague spoilers for some of them behind cut, including BBC dramas The Bodyguard, Black Earth Rising, Informer and The Little Drummer Girl, also Doctor Who and The Good Place.

The BBC do seem to be doing some good dramas at the moment, though imo The Bodyguard, which - so I understand - everyone in the UK had been raving about in my absence, wasn't actually one of them. I did get through it quite quickly, so I guess even I found it binge-worthy, but I thought the plot ludicrous and the characters very unsympathetic. The Informer, on the other hand, strikes me as much more believable, and I feel very sorry indeed for the main character (Raza, that is, not Gabe, who, after watching episode 4, I pretty much loathe, have to say).

S and I are two episodes in to Black Earth Rising, a mystery story about the fall out of the Rwandan genocide, which we have to try and finish before it vanishes off the BBC's catch-up service at the end of the month. This is a pretty tall order for us given how little time we have to watch TV together. I'm not sure we're going to manage it. It would be a pity if we don't, because so far I think it's brilliant - and I really, really want to know what's going on.

We are usually at home at the time The Little Drummer Girl airs. It's very well done, and though I haven't read the book, I've seen the old film that was made of it (featuring John Le Carre's half-sister Charlotte Cornwell as Charlie) so I know what to expect pretty much. That said, I spent all of episode two just willing Charlie to tell the Mossad recruiters to fuck off and walk out on them, even though I know she's not going to. Oh well.

As for Doctor Who, I'm still enjoying it, though I'm beginning to think I'm the only person who is. :(

I'm also enjoying The Good Place season 3 very much, while wondering if this is meant to be the final series. Anyone know? It's still bloody excellent, but I begin to feel the conceit it's based on may have run its course.

In other TV news, The Last Kingdom season 3 will go up on Netflix on Saturday.

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Looking forward to that. Also looking forward to The Marvellous Mrs Maisel season 2, which goes up on Amazon on December 5th.

Still no news about who will air season 4 of Lucifer in the UK.

I'm also really excited about this Loki TV series starring Tom Hiddleston, even though I haven't the least clue how I'll ever watch it.

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