Due to this and that (mostly the wedding), I've only managed to watch one episode of Lucifer season 4 so far.
Spoilers behind cut.
I loved it. It was so much closer to what this show should have been from the very beginning if Fox (running scared of offending their regular viewers, IMO) hadn't hobbled it with the 'light-hearted procedural, rein back on the supernatural elements' nonsense.
Okay, since they couldn't change the entire premise - what with this premise being part and parcel of the show that was saved by its fans on Twitter - the procedural element is still there, but the whole thing feels...edgier, darker, without sacrificing all the funny moments.
Plus - big plus, actually - the episode flowed so much better now it's not having to do that pause thing while someone looks shocked or whatever because they're going to a commercial. And with the slightly longer episode length, there's room to expand on some things too. Lucifer's consultation scene with Dr Linda was where I particularly noticed this.
As for the final scene (which I did see coming, I admit, because Chloe was acting so weird), I'm intrigued.
Can't wait to watch more. :)
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