My TV watching this summer has been pretty sporadic, what with one thing or another.
Spoilers behind cut for Sacred Games and not really spoilers for Carnival Row.
This probably didn't help when watching Sacred Games season 2. For one thing, I should have re-watched season 1 before starting it, as I'd forgotten an awful lot of what happened. For another, since I haven't had much viewing time lately, sometimes weeks would go by between me watching one episode and the next, and I'd forget what I'd seen previously.
Despite all this, I can definitely say that season 2 wasn't as good as season 1, even though it was a continuation of the same story (based on a novel). The acting and atmosphere were still great, but the plot became so ludicrous it was hard to take it seriously. Plus, some elements that were introduced - in particular the sudden revelation that the terrorist mastermind Shahid Khan and the main character Sartaj Singh were cousins- seemed a bit pointless given that they never find this out, and that knowing his mother was born Sikh doesn't seem to have fed into Shahid Khan's motivations at all. But there was also way too much of Sartaj Singh getting from A to B in a ridiculously short space of time when the plot required it and stuff like that. Also, although the Gaitonde plot was wrapped up properly - in that we learned exactly how he ended up shooting Jojo and then himself - it was impossible to understand why his warnings to Sartaj were so cryptic, given that he was so desperate to save Mumbai.
Maybe, like the audience, he couldn't get his head around the convoluted ridiculousness of Guruji's plot?
Anyway, nice to see a Sikh hero in something, even if he didn't get to smile even once (am not actually sure Saif Ali Khan knows how).
The only other thing I've been watching is Carnival Row on Amazon Prime. I hadn't planned to as I'm not an Orlando Bloom fan and I'd been told it was very violent, but I watched the first episode and quite liked it, then
ningloreth said she liked it a lot, so I thought I'd carry on with it. I've seen five episodes now and I like it more and more. The world-building is pretty impressive and it looks impressive too. What's more, it so far hasn't been particularly violent at all. Also, I find I like Orlando Bloom a lot more now than when he was younger. I guess I like faces that look more lived in(in fact, that's always been so), plus he's a better actor now too.
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