So I was chatting with a friend and we were discussing Star Trek. Then we started talking about a two-man escape pod and she said "Make this an lj post". To which I said that I would think about it. And it happened. Click the cut to learn more!
My escape pod would include one of the following: Data, Seven of Nine, Tuvok, and Lwaxana Troi.
Other than being the best robot this side of robots, Data would be a font of trivia, unintentional hilarity due to him not being a real boy, and he would probably be ok with just shutting up. In addition, Data can take multiple, consecutive watches dues to the fact that he is a robot and doesn't really need to sleep. He can also get right into the action in case we run into trouble and is ok with that. So yay for Data!
Seven of Nine-
Seven will straight up ignore you. She'd split the work load fairly, and would probably even take over some of the work because she thinks she's better than you. One would be hard-pressed to disagree with her and if it means she gets it down, I am down with that. She's more inclined to not talk with you and that is a-ok with me because let's face it, a two-man escape pod? Close quarters like that would put anyone into a murder rage and one party not yammering on is probably for the good. Also, there's her Borg guilt, which I am pretty sure, I could work with to my advantage.
He's Vulcan. That is all.
Lwaxanna Troi-
I realize that folks will be all "The annoying mother of Deanna? What?!", but bear with me. Lwaxanna Troi is probably the most interesting person in the galaxy. Her stories alone would be worth it. Yes, I'd have to work harder. Yes, I might not get lots of sleep because I'm taking watch, but whatever dude, she's better than a holodeck.
Tune in for next time when I tell you all about the people I absolutely would not want to be in an escape pod with!