Emails from Dr. Williams about our chem party on Wednesday:
A Party - November 21, 2005
To all you tutors, TAs, you graders and preppers,
We (the chemists) would like to thank you all for a banner semester in some small way. By way of thanks, we'd like to send you all to Mazatlan for a week.
But we can't afford it.
So, instead, we'll have a pizza party. On Wednesday, December the 7th, from 5-7PM, we'd like to invite you to Keck 125 for food, fizzy beverage, and of course, the scintillating company of the chemistry faculty ( for the food....)
Please, do let me know whether you'll be there, since I have to buy pizza, but I'll shoot a little high, so don't bail out because you didn't RSVP.
So thank you all, and I hope to see you all there!
-Scott Williams
Pizza Party Redux - December 6, 2005
OK, folks, so we've got a minor snag (no, not a Sensitive New-Aged Guy under the age of 18, but a minor problem). The bio candidate is tomorrow at 5:15, and many of you will want to go to this (...and you should. It will make you a better person). Sooooo, let's plan on starting at 6-6:15, whenever seminar gets out, and whenever I get here with pizza. This will be briefer than I would have liked, but you'll all still have time to eat, drink and be merry, and we'll be able to give our thanks for your hard work all semester. For those of you who haven't RSVPed, please do so, so that I can get a rough head count (slice count?) for the 'za.
OK, all of this typing about pizza is making me hungry. Bye now.
And when we had the party, what did we talk about? Chemistry, our chem labs, grad school, lab, chemistry, and more lab. We are such nerds.