The semester is over. Crazy.
My finals week:
Spanish 33 Final: I finished everything. I fixed things I remembered or could correct. And stared at the rest for two seconds, said "not worth agonizing over" and left at 10:30. Sweet deal.
Biochem Final: 8 questions. Got through six of them in less than half and hour. The answer came to me on the 7th right afterwards. Stared at the last one, decided that I would never recall all those details about nitrogenase and nitogenase reductase...and then sat around for half an hour deciding when would be a good time to just leave.
Music History Final: Showed up, got handed an essay assignment due at 6PM about a piece we "felt genuine passion about," hurried back to room, and wrote furiously about Brahms Symphony No. 3 until 5:50 PM.
PChem Final: Turned out to be take-home. Finished Tuesday night after dinner.
And then, I just did research for the rest of the week. PCR was fun. My primers didn't quite work. We'll try again next semester, but I know what I'm doing now, so it'll be easier. I can sort of just do it on my own now...just need to let her know when I'm planning to do things so we can chat as necessary.
And how well I did on the finals? Probably just fine. All I really want to do is work in lab, finish the Goldwater application and start figuring out next summer for research...basically, just wanna play in lab. And I will have plenty of time next semester with Advanced Lab and Molecular Bio.
And, haha...I got a cold right after I finished up with finals. I love my immune system.
But, the semester already over? I'm not sure if I can handle this. Senior thesis seems like it's only around the corner...which it kind of is. >_<
What else...saw Narnia the other pretty. :) I was happy with how things turned out overall. I want to go home and watch the old versions from the 80s that I have.
Now to crash and then hibernate for the next week or two. Crochet, watch TV, sleep, get some shopping done...yes, definitely quality bumming around will be had.