This is one of the most blasphemous pages in the book, I promise. But it's delusionally effective.
1. Erica falls to her knees in front of the windowed whore standing above her. Her tiny face is hidden in shadows, her pupils red with burning yellow irises. Damp strands of hair drape over her face and she looks much older than her six years.
Erica: Impure. Impureimpureimpure!
2. The whole block starts tearing apart and turning to rubble, setting itself aflame. Screaming bodies torn from their beds rip in half and fly apart. Streetlights wrap like constrictors around pedestrians. Little Erica stays still in the burning “V” of buildings around her, her arms reached towards the sky. Smoke rises from the buildings, arching over the street and starting to swirl over her.
Erica: Like the call made upon to Moses, let the world see Hell and hear: The day of the Lord is among us and I shall take our people home!