Nov 27, 2008 09:33
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
I am just about to get started on all the cooking.
This household is all up and shouting, running, playing... and trying to get some things straightened up.
There is also the annual Football game vs the Macy's thanksgiving day parade TV showdown going on.
And Atom just walked in dress in a pilgram hat.
Nov 26, 2008 17:02
there are few things as pretty as LA at twilight the day after a rainstorm
Nov 22, 2008 10:19
Atom just cut a peice out of his
Now he wants it back, he's walking all over saying "I don't like hair like this, I want my hair back" *Laughs*.
Nov 22, 2008 10:13
We are celebrating Alex's bday today.
His actually bday is on Tuesday the 25th.
I think we are taking him to ESPN at Downtown Disney.
Or there is a NFL store at City walk...not sure yet.
Later we are going to make him a cake and I need to make the pumpkin pies!!
Nov 20, 2008 21:24
Just bought 5 more shares of Disney stock.
It's at a 5 year low... you better believe I jumped in.
Now's the time to buy.
This market is going Bull run like crazy!
Nov 19, 2008 18:16 never going to get hour to go less then 10 miles so far and I'm still easily half hour away...should have bought a bike instead of a beemer.... jesus
Nov 19, 2008 17:44
you know ur not going anywhere fast when u can pst to lj while driving on the freeway... these bitches...10 e torward downtown is gridlocked
Nov 16, 2008 15:16
We are all beginging to show signs of Smoke Inhalation.
light headache, couching, fatique, dizziness.
The city is now for the second day in a row, full of smoke.
You can smell it stong outside, and lightly inside the house.
We have all the windows and doors closed.
Nov 15, 2008 15:53
the entire city from my stand coverd in smoke and smells like burnt wood.