I won an assortment of stormtroopers from the
501st Legion at ComicCon (thanks, troopers!) and they've kind of taken over the place. I know everybody does this with action figures but how can you not? They are ACTION figures! They crave ACTION! And I, sentimental fool that I am, must provide.*
Here's the whole crew chilling on the 4th moon of Gblergdor. It is a very small moon.
The Mharmalaad of Sahofa is easily tamed, but remains lazy and petulant as a beast of burden.
TK-1184 was caught smuggling Ewoks. Naturally she goes into the Imperial Coffeepot Detention Facility. YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THEY TURN IT ON, IT IS SO FEARSOME.
And then everyone went home and it was pad thai corellian night at the Imperial Cafeteria! Yay!
* Not that kind of action, smartass.