Stolen from like everyone, most recently
avocadolove. Pick a character or characters, an alternate setting/genre, a crossover, whatever, and I'll scribble you something. Up to two requests per person, but I'll likely only pick one.
I'm totally out of touch with culture, so let's keep it to Avatar characters, but there's a wide variety of worlds I'll write
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Haha. Love it. As always, what you write as a total sense of mood to it that really transports me to your scene. This really makes me curious about what Zuko's hiding from in this universe. Lee, indeed! :D I like that Katara's from the south, but that she didn't mind her slaves going north. I hate it when southerners all get painted with the same brush, ya know? /end rant. Anyways, I would love to see more if you find the time tomorrow. Thank you for doing this!
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