You be extra careful my sister piratista...No 'cane gonna get me or mine. Clean out the bathtub, fill with water so you can flush...make sure there are oreos and gin--comfort food and protection for maleria, in case mostly, plus martinis with no electricity are always welcome, gin not requiring ice as it were. Odd hurricane preparedness I know, but it's worked for me since I've started having my own household to deal with some 30 years ago. Besides, no expiration date on either gin or Love you and Happy Birthday Mindyracal! Hurricanes on your birthday, hell, I've had three. Closed the beach so I couldn't go to my favorite Italian food place....
I'm happy to report Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm shortly after she reached Connecticut. My neighborhood took no damage worse than some fallen trees- I even went out and took some photos.
Comments 4
And now I'm happily scarfing on M&Ms. :D
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