[OOC: Directly follows
this prompt.]
The Red Skull had promised utopia. A world in which the old order would be destroyed to make way for a glorious new nation where the deserving would rule. He’d promised that they would take down the capitalists, the democrats, the weak men who believed in flimsy, silly things like “liberty” and “equality.” Americans were not living in liberty. The Red Skull would show them the true meaning of the word. He would provide their liberation. And as for equality, anyone with two bits of sense in his head knew that all men were most emphatically not created equal.
Sharon didn’t know how she’d come to hold such beliefs, to fervently look forward to this new world, this utopia the Red Skull had painted with his words. But she knew how deeply the dream had come to affect her when she saw the first soldiers fall, heard the screams and grunts outside. Her heart felt split open as she watched the men she’d trained fall to the blows of a man in iron armor and another, even more familiar, with red wings spread. They were crumbling too fast - not yet prepared for the totality of their duties, they stood no chance against trained “heroes.” Sharon felt ready to cry. Her old hopes had been dashed, and now this dream, too, would be crushed.
She turned away from the window of her room, hurrying down a corridor to find Dr. Faustus. He would know what to do. He would know how to fix this. The Doctor always knew how to fix everything.
Perhaps, if she’d stayed a moment longer, she would have seen a sight that would have affected her much differently. A flash of blond hair, a tri-colored metal shield. A glimmer of new hope. But Sharon turned away too fast, too eager to find the man with the medicine to heal her newly-aching heart.