Mindless Self Indulgence, ft. The Birthday Massacre + London After Midnight

May 25, 2008 00:20

The Wiltern, May 24th, 2008

This was my first time seeing MSI, despite my five years of fanship. For the whole of my teen years, I've pined for this night and it finally happened and it was wicked.

The place was packed full of goth kids. There was so much black and hairspray and colored extensions. On that text-y screen, it was all World of Warcraft jokes, and kids from 4chan talking about fapping, (Which, btw, I'm totally going to start using.) and people being, "Hey are you so and so from Dev-art?" It was all very cool and geeky.

We weren't in the first two sections, but the way it's set up, you could be in the back section and as long as you're against the barrier you have a pretty cool view of the band. Which we were, so.

The first band was an english band called London After Midnight. Any UKers on my f-list, speak up if you know them. They were very lame. They had shitty, literal graphics behind them to illustrate to the songs, though I try not to hold that against them. What I do hold against them, is that their guitarist was wearing a mesh body suit and pleather hot shorts. That, I can't ever forgive.

And I'm pretty that if Lord Byron could hear their lyrics, he would weep. No lie. Cliche, darkly romantic and HIM-esque. Plus, they rhymed! A lot. I said to Donna, "Flower. Hour. Shower... Sour." Anyway, they played 7 or so songs and left. And everyone buzzed about how lame they were. Oh and they played a song called, "America is a Disease," and we (the audience) said, "Yeah, yeah. We know."

Someone on the text-y screen made a comment about goth kids talking about politics and we all agreed.

The second band was The Birthday Massacre, whose name I knew, but I'd never heard any of their stuff. First off, five skinny Jimmy-looking dudes rush the stage. And I am not impressed. Then some chick with Lyn-Z pigtails and a skirt runs out and fucking mugs at the crowd. Then they start playing and she's throwing herself around the stage and running around and making heart fingers.

She really had great stage presence, really owned it out there. Nothing like London After Midnight, who you mostly continued to watch out of morbid curiosity. She kept pulling at her pigtails and ruffling her bangs and it was adorable. Aww.

I didn't know the songs or what they were like, but I could definitely see how someone would be a fan. I will have to check them out further.

And then! One by one, MSI came on: Kitty, Steve, Lyn-Z and then Jimmy. And Jimmy stood center-stage and proclaimed, "We are Hannah Montana!" Then they played "Shut Me Up" and everyone went crazy.

They mostly played stuff from IF and You'll Rebel to Anything, dispersed with songs from Frankenstein Girls and Tight. Looking at my iTunes right now, they have a HUGE catalogue of songs. I've lost track of how many albums. (I include remixes, live, speciality, demos, etc. in that.)

Very fun! I love the song intros and how for "Prescription," Jimmy started dosing on Robitussin. And how he did the cabbage patch for "Never Wanted to Dance" and said "Evening Wear" was about the girls in the front row, aka teenagers who'll get pregnant and later get addicted to meth. Then he had brought two girls dressed like Mini Moon and Sailor Neptune up to sing to "Faggot".

Jimmy ripped on Hayley Williams or whatever her name is, which was cool. He was like, "This is the last time I let that singer from Paramore dress me." And then he mumbled something about her stupid orange hair that's 'everywhere', he emphasized. Then we threw out clothes at him because he wanted to change and he said, "Why do you guys always dress me like Amy Winehouse?"

At one point, he stopped playing and said he wanted twenty dollars. He seemed disappointed that we just paid right away. You have to understand, we really wanted them to continue.

IT WAS MADE OF WIN. There was also talk of Mr. Way being present. I didn't see him personally, but I did see Chantal, Jimmy's wife and singer from Morningwood, in the wings. And that was awesome because she is the greatest.


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