I also like to track movies I've seen on lj, mostly because movies do not stick with me. I can totally love a movie but forget that I even saw it after a couple years.
Theater: Last week of October, I had a Very Important Meeting with Mona, a legal secretary I used to work with and good friend (she's now my theater buddy). It is tradition that VIM dates include a movie, but nothing good was playing at a convenient time. We saw City of Ember. I hope that you do not. What a waste of film. I can see that it would be entrancing for the 9 to 11 year old set, unless they have better taste than I give them credit for. About 20 minutes in, I recalled that I'd seen Tim Robbins on The Daily Show, allegedly promoting the film, and the most positive thing he'd said about it was that he did it for his kids.
Rentals: We love our horrow films, but have seen them all... so on Halloween, it was slim pickins. We watched M Night Shamalamadingdong's The Happening. Again, I hope you did not. Yikes! The opening visuals were very effective, bodies falling from the sky, etc. Otherwise, the script appeared to have been written by a 10th grader. Perhaps it was M Night's first screenplay and he decided to film it?
That night we also rented I am Legend, which I now think I posted about already. This was quite scary. In fact, I found myself frightened to walk around the house alone after watching it - afraid of my reflection moving inthe windows... but... all the same, I didn't like the film. At least it was well produced. I thought it was all pretty effective. I need to see Omega Man and get back to this one. TS hatedit.
The following week, still waiting for the horror fix, I rented:
The Descent. Now, this film was quite effective at conjuring up claustrophobia and fear of dark caves. But the filming in the dark cave left too much to the imagination. I hate the it's-scary-because-the-camera-is-jerking effect. Also, unclear ending. Does she get out? No? Thumbs down.
In the same vein, we watched The Cave. This filmn started out much more hopefully with underwater scenes that inspired... but all of the moster stuff was hokey and premised on the jerky camera trick. Hate it. I didn't watch the end b/c I had to go to class.
Also rented Alien Abduction, which truly was a screenplay written and directed by a 10 grader, and filmed in his parents' basement. (I know it was a he b/c of the gratuitous female nudity that does not forward the story.) Um, this is not a B movie, it is an F movie.