Would have been great if my lj's background was white! Pfffft.
It is already the 30th of August and I have yet to post my annual (birthday) post for my BFF, which is on the 28th! And I knew that I am so dead; not because she will slaughter me but because-somehow I know-for her, to not see her birthday post in my blog, it is kinda disappointing. Of course I hope I am right! Heheh!
I was just talking to
Jas &
Nana about not having her bday post done yet because honestly, I have no idea what to do/write. Back then, it's always pics of us, and a few sentences wishing the birthday girl well. I am worried that my designer bff will get bored. And for the many wonderful years of friendship, she definitely deserve something better than just pics and words:-
This is the first few friends whom I've got to know during my early Standard 5 days, where literally everyone was a stranger to me. This is also the friend whom I've kept, who is also worth keeping, since the day our friendship bonded.
This is the friend whom I've learned so much from, this is also the friend whom I'm ever so thankful for. This is the friend who drew 2 whole exercise books of comic for me! (LOL, seems like I'm never gonna forget this). This is also the friend who brought me to 'shop' (at the age of 11) at Lady's Gift & Citijaya when we went to Mrs. Wong for tuition. Hahahaha!
This is the friend who makes me feel loved when I feel terrible, this is the friend who's always got my back when things go wrong. This is, the friend who takes care of me like an elder sister, the only friend who tells me what should I do and occasionally lectures me to 'execute' my plan rather than just leaving a plans as, well a plan. This is the friend who shows me that in life I have to fight for the things I want.
This is the friend whom I call "my person", just as how Christina calls Meredith "her person" in Grey's Anatomy. Somehow, I'm thankful that in my lifetime, I am blessed enough to have this kind of friendship. I am proud I have this person. :)
And the last sentence above just made me cry emo like shit because she's leaving so soon!!!! Everytime we mention about her & her Aussie life, I have mixed feelings because as much as I'm happy for her I'm also sad because my best friend will be so farrrrrrrr away from me! I cannot handle that fact yet lo! Having that said, I am crossing my fingers because I know technology will erase the 'distance'. There's always things like internet and webcam ...and skype! :D
....so, I spent good 30minutes learning how to create my first ever gif file (are you touched are you touched!) using my trusty Photoshop. First ever gif ok, via photoshop that is. Even I am impressed with myself because I do not have to go through trouble looking for a gif animator software hehehe! I know I do not have to think of bombastic words to complement her bday post, because I know the little things that I write will suffice simply because it's from my heart! I know YC it's already the 30th (what have I been doing!?) so there, I hope you like it! Even if you do not, LIE TO MY FACE lah thank you.
To sum up the ramblings above in 2 words: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. <33