Shären 060813
Title: Amber Flames (竜の少年 Ryû no Shônen Dragonboy)
Band: Exo
Pairing: Kranny (Kris/Anny)
Genre: Fluff, Highschool!au
Rating: PG-13 for cursing
Length: Oneshot, 8862 words
Warnings: Hetero-ship, “original“ character. Also, English is not my native language.
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction. I only own the plot and formulations and,
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Comments 7
and omg so much praise i can't. it really means a lot too me, thank you babe <3333
i'm relieved anny wasn't too illogical of a character. i sometimes had a hard time, making everything connect together logically ^^°
i'm rly glad that you not only approved of it, but even actually liked it!! that means SUCCESS!!!! XDD
idk whether i should feel flattered that you think i am some kind of literature critic or worried haha
either way: tell me how anny reacted to it :D i'd really like to know
And I also think it's been a while since I found myself liking Kris for that matter.
My favorite part will forever be the one with the EXO-clique at the cafeteria.
But another part that I liked really, really much, was when Anny and Kris met the first time.
The only thing that you leave me wondering over is, when Anny will reaize that we were talking about her dragon prince the whole time? ;D
Haach ~ It's been really, really great to read something new from you.
Spending my time rereading I'll tickle it out of you and my baekyeol-story with the super long title were good for keeping my patience because they are just so good, too.
But the new story gives some new vigor, too. <3
but omg guys stahp hatin on that poor guy XD he's actually quite adorable, in a way...
i guess anny will realise when she shows up in school next to kris for the first time and everyone starts to freak out XDDD
i'm glad that this story didn't disappoint you, despite the unusual topic ^^
He's just... hard to handle? Most of the time.
... why am I even justifying myself? hahaha
I already knew the story wouldn't disappoint me, dear. Just sayin'.
I really hope that I'll somehow manage to get out of my writer's block now.
Since you've been such an inspiration 'n stuff. (;
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