I had more B3 today! Why is it I only blog when I play the organ? Is it because it's so amazing that I just have to write how awesome it is? I don't know. But the real reason I'm writing is because
I'm jumping on Robbie and Tom's meme bandwagon.
1. Song that always makes you sad? "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt; whenever any of the singers from GMac last year sang it and asked me to play, I'd be crying all day. Seriously.
2. Last thing you bought? Groceries; apples, bananas, salad mix, tea bags, and a loaf of Italian bread for Kael.
3. Last person you argued with? I dunno. I tend to try to avoid arguments.
4. Do you put Butter before putting the peanut butter on? Sometimes.
5. One of your stuffed animals' names as a kid? Charity the bear. I still have her.
6. Did you ever own at one time a Barenaked Ladies CD? No.
7. Favourite day of the week? (Thank you for spelling "favourite" correctly, by the way) Friday. I get to sing all day in class, and then it's the weekend, which means Friday, Sr. or other such fun times.
8. Favorite Sundae topping? Yes.
9. Did you take Piano lessons? Several years' worth.
10. Most frequent song played? According to iTunes, it's Anthropology by Charlie Parker. But that's because I transcribed it last semester; I haven't listened to it since.
11. T.V. show you secretly enjoy? Uhhh... well, Grey's Anatomy, but I don't make a secret out of it. I don't watch television other than that.
12. Would you rather play basketball or hockey? Hockey. At least I can somewhat skate.
13. Date someone older or younger? Older. But not too much older, that'd be creepy.
14. One place you could travel to right now? The world?
15. Do you use umbrellas? Sure, when it's raining.
16. Do you know all the words to the Canadian national anthem? Yes, in English et aussi en Francais!
17. Favorite Cheese? I do like me some gouda, but seriously, medium yellow cheddar. And why the hell does nobody make medium yellow cheddar in all of Boston?!?!?!?!?!
18. The Smith's or the Cure? I don't really know much of either...
19. Do you prefer Blondes or Brunettes? Sure.
20. Best job you ever had? Well... the best gig was probably the time I had to sub as a trumpet player with the Urbanites... it was after I'd already publicly quit playing the trumpet, and this professional band asked me to go on a weekend tour with them as a trumpet player for $300. It was awesome because it was hilarious. The best job was actually probably bartending at the curling club; I like the work, and the boss is great... hehehe... actually, the highway job was pretty good too, and I'm going to go back and do it this summer.
21. Did you go to your high school prom? Yup.
22. Perfect time to wake up? Whenever my body chooses to, which is generally not the time that I have to wake up.
23. Perfect time to go to bed? Well, that depends on when I have to get up. If I can give myself eight hours to sleep, that is ideal. Unfortunately, I rarely do that.
24. do you use your queen right away in chess? Nahh, I never bring her out.
25. Ever been in a car accident? Nope.
26. closer to mum or dad...or neither? Both in different ways, but probably mostly mom.
27. what age is this exciting life over for you? I have no idea; I hope it just keeps getting better.
28. what decade during the 20th century would you have chosen to be a teenager? I wouldn't have been a teenager in any decade, but I would have been an early twenty-something in the 80s or the 40s. 80s for the hair and accessories (come on guys, you know it!!) and 40s for the music and dances. I would have danced so hardcore.
29. Favourite shoes you have EVER owned? My silver dress shoes. I got them at a consignment store last summer for the
gig with Rollanda Lee (yeah, I have white legs... deal with it) and they're amazing. I was showing them to Santi last night, and she looked at them and said that they were made by a company in London that makes dance shoes, and they're likely dance shoes too. I can't imagine dancing in them, though, although, I can't imagine dancing in much of anything except bare feet.
30. Do you have an article of clothing you have had since you were in high school? Yup. I have a couple of pairs of shoes, and some pants, and... some shirts but I think I mostly just sleep in them now.
31. Were you in track and field? Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
32. Were you ever in a school talent show? Every year in elementary school. At Vic we didn't have them because apparently we were all just too goddamn talented.
33. Have you ever written in a library book? Oh, probably.
34. Allergic to? Nature.
35. Favourite fruit? Mandarin oranges.
36. Have you watched sex and the city? A couple of times.
37. Baseball hat or toque? Why the hell does nobody know what a toque is???
Wiki the goddamn thing. Anyways, I don't like hats, but I've been wearing my bright orange toque that my grandma made me recently, because it's so fuzzy and warm, and also because I don't feel like combing my hair.
38. Do you shampoo first in the shower or soap? Shampoo, but I seem to be in the minority.
39. Wet the toothbrush or brush dry with the toothpaste? Wet.
40. Pen or pencil? Yes.
41. Have you ever gambled at a casino? No... I had a couple friends in Edmonton who told me they'd take me out to the casino when I turned 18, but it didn't happen. And then, when I went to Vegas, I was only 19, so that didn't happen either.
42. Have you thrown up on a plane? Nope. A couple close calls, though.
43. Have you thrown up in a car? Yes...
44. Have you thrown up at work? No, but again, some close calls... especially shovelling roadkill and working on roads beside cattle farms last summer.
45. Do you scream on roller coasters? I scream like the little girl I am.
46. Who was your first prom date? I've only been to one prom, and I went with a group of friends, not with a date.
47. Who was your first roommate? Kael, Pete, Chris, Martin, Josh and Santi. All at the same time!
48. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk for the first time? Smirnoff Twisted Raspberry coolers. I can't drink them anymore; they make me ill.
49. What was your first job? What was my first job... jeez, I don't know. Probably working for my mom in some form or another at the curling club.
50. What was your first car? '81 Mustang. It died six weeks after I bought it, but I only paid $350 for it... I guess that goes to show you get what you pay for. After that I had a '94 Ford Aspire, in bright purple, which I still have, and love to pieces.
51. When did you go to your first funeral? 1996; I was 10, it was my grandpa.
52. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? 20!
53. Who was your first grade teacher? Miss Muller.
54. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Kelowna, I think.
55. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? I've never had to sneak out.
56. Who was your first Best Friend and are you still friends with them? Heather in junior high, probably, and I haven't seen her in ages.
57. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parent's house? Where I live now; Lower Allston, Massachusetts, United States.
58. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? I don't phone people when I have a bad day; I hate phoning people to begin with, and if I'm having a bad day, initiating a phone conversation would make it worse. But, I'll bitch out on my blog, usually... and then everyone can have a piece of my misery :)
59. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen? Haven't been... yet... :D
60. What is the first thing you do in the morning? Aside from moaning and groaning about having to wake up? Brush my teeth, put in contacts if I decide to wear them, then shower, in that order.
61. What was the first concert you attended? I have no idea... I didn't really start doing the rock show thing until I was a lot older, and classical ones I had been going to since I was tiny.
62. First tattoo or piercing? Both earlobes; they were my first and last. Martin is reading this over my shoulder as I type, and just suggested I get a tattoo of a B3 and when I flex my bicep, it will turn on the Leslie speaker. That would be amazing.
63. First celebrity crush? Hahaha... well... I'm pretty sure I jumped on the Orlando Bloom bandwagon when the first LOTR came out, and then Adrien Brody about the time he won the Oscar.
And really, that's all I got for now. And it's quite a bit, anyways.