I got me a meme from lovely and wonderful
Sarene. If you’d like to play, just comment, and I'll give you four fandoms, then you tell me who your favorite character is in each fandom and why. Pics are ♥ but optional. You can do this here or in your journal or both
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Comments 56
I like Komui a lot as well, although he'd be tied with Lenalee, Allan, and Lavi for my favorite D. Gray-man character, keeping in mind I'm not up to date on the manga. I don't generally watch anime; I don't enjoy watching on the computer and have plenty already to watch on the TV.
So smart, fucked up, suffering, and/or repressed, and with dark hair? I guess you have a type. :D
Feel free to ask me, although I've already answered this question for Saiyuki, Gravitation, Loveless, Buffy, Fruits Basket, and Uraboku. PM or e-mail me if you can't figure out four more fandoms I like. Trying TV shows I watch instead of manga/anime will probably be more fruitful.
Let me think of some shows for you..
I tend to project a certain level of social adeptness onto Sanzo beause I'm so much like him in some ways (though more like Hakkai in others). I'm not (usually) smooth either, and I hate small talk. But I think you're exaggerating a bit when it comes to a toast. It would depend on whether he knew about it in advance and what the occasion was. If it was a ceremonial occasion, he'd probably do fine; if it was a roast, or something requiring a lighter touch, like Goku's wedding, he'd probably be tongue-tied.
My profile and posts may be of some help. I use tags, so "television" will bring up everything where I talk about TV shows. I can think of two you should be able to come up with easily; one I fangirl a lot these days and the other is related to a show I already covered and features another megane you like. *hint hint*
I'm not familiar with D-Gray Man other than you mentioning it in passing... and your guy there looks a lot less freaky than other pictures I think I must have seen.
Can't place Garak at all. Apart from the fact that DS9 killed me ded of apathy, I don't remember him as a character. And you say he was in the thing the whole way through? This vexes me greatly that I can't remember...
You can gimme four if you like! :)
Harry Potter
Naruto *eye rolls*
Dr. Who (all seasons)
Go to it. (let me know if you've already done any of these for anyone else; I know I'm late in getting to this).
Brilliant dark haired men in glasses is ultra win... **happy sigh**
Don't know D. Gray Man at all, but the character you described sounds like he'd be my cup of tea, too!
As for poor Garak...well, maybe he secretly wears glasses when he's off doing some tailoring - or chalk it up to the fact that he probably would, but it doesn't look like anyone in the ST-verse wears glasses because they all just get their vision lasik-ed. ~_^ Hey, that's my theory and I'm going with it!!!!
Ok, rambling now... Eh heh... ^_^;;
I actually don't mind Garak at all. He amuses me greatly because he's just so damned evasive all the time. ~_^
And that picture of Kyoya is....rawr!
star trek (any incarnation)
Wild Adapter
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Megane's rule the anime world. They are sadly scarce in real life. Curses to contact lenses and all they stand for. *shakes fist*
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