This is how it works

Oct 16, 2008 17:11

I was not a main character, letting the spotlight fall instead on young (~Sixth Sense young) Haley Joel Osment. He'd been sent to Pluto to find evidence of life, but the dictatorial bitch back on Earth had brought all dinosaur remains back to life and sent them after him him to serve the triple purposes of rewriting that era of history (nope, no dinosaurs here), making the kid think his mission was a success, and then killing him off. Unfortunately for her, the dinosaurs were all tired and nice and really, really hungry, unwilling to eat each other because that was "self", and planning on sullenly eating Haley except he went all pure on their asses like he's wont to do and promised them that by the time the movie was over, he would be "self" with them, as well.

So then they all kinda turned into ugly people and got dressed and walked around the very temperate Pluto. I showed up to marry one, but there had to be some sort of conflict in this movie-dream, so the Tyrannosaurus went out with this other guy and I just waited patiently 'cause I knew he'd be back eventually and the plot would follow its natural and gentle progression. Their digestive systems were all fucked up, though, and the guy the ugly Tyrannosaurus-man (whose name was Blarney, by the way) went out with ran out of lubricant for his bowl of pebbles or whatever, so I had to spit on it until it was nice and juicy, but then I ran out of spit 'cause it was a really big bowl. Haley Joel was all growed up at this point, and we'd established a lovely living relationship on Pluto with all these dinosaurs. It was not very Jurrassic Park at all. Then my alarm went off and I was a little annoyed that I didn't get to see the rest of the movie, and certainly was not as productive as I was planning on being.

In other news, I chased down Jeremy after class at "Alex's" house, which turned out to be Alex Mohar, the guy I'd be married to by now if arranged marriages still existed and my parents weren't all about respecting my independence and stuff. I haven't seen him in probably five or six years, since us kids started getting friends outside of their parents' dinner/bridge partners. It was weird as shit 'cause I was all frazzled and getting drugs and we've both been here for 3 years but the only time I've run into him before now was at the café where he was sleeping and I didn't wake him up. He had the most adorable kitten ever, though, and now he has my number. Um, yeah.

So then I became an expert on this course's coverage of metabolism/cell respiration in the most intense study session I think I've ever managed to pull off. After rehearsal, I'm tackling photosynthesis, and then I might actually get a decent grade (read: C or C+, please?) on the midterm.

Rehearsal? Shit, man, it's dress rehearsal tonight. It was supposed to be tech Tuesday and then have two dresses, but our lighting-gal had to baby-sit or something so tech was Wednesday and now, uh, I think we're all a little flustered about this. I am so ready to go rock this, though.
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