All right, I might have had my doubts at the beginning of the season, but this episode is ten minutes in and made of unadulterated WIN.
Okay, the episode was awesome already for potentially being littered with Back to the Future references, and in that, I wasn't disappointed. Dean comes to in a diner, with some McFly/McFly shit already going when the car dealer walks in to talk to John.
And I was going to do this properly, but I think i'm just going to litter the rest of the post with my reactions to certain things.
LOL Father Cheney!
My kids are going to think I'm insane. I do the football-watching "YES!" every five minutes with this episode. XD; I was like "come on come on, yellow eyed demon, yellow eyed demonnnnYES FUCKING YES!"
Ohhhh god, season four, why did I ever doubt you. I love the fact that she was a hunter. It makes me wonder if she was from the beginning. Now I want to watch Season 1 again so I can take notes.
I was totally going to cry when Dean's like, "Mom, on Nov. 2, 1983 don't get out of bed, whatever you do. ;_;"
which means sam's birthday is may 2 1983 but i'm sure that has already been said somewhere and i'm just now realizing it
Also, I love Dean's grandparents.
70s clothes are so fucking hot!
Oh, daaaamn, there is a lot of shit going down in this episode.
When that motherfucker killed John I stared at my TV slack-jawed for about five minutes. It was AMAZING.
"My mother and father, too?"
"Nope! They dead."
...what? That's what I heard. X3
I think I hate Castielle about as much as I hated Ruby when she was first introduced.
Awww, mannnn. It's a big ass episode about "destiny." And see, here's my problem. There's a difference between destiny and fate. You can change your destiny; what you're destined for is only about how much effort into it- if you lead the perfect life, you work to your potential, and you achieve your destiny. Destiny can be altered. Fate, though- that can't be changed. It's just going to happen. So, SPN writers- watch your vocab. Those two words are not interchangeable.
Overall reaction- YES. YES. YES.