Are you moving out? Don't do it! The economy sucks. Graduate first. :)
I'm doing well. I told you I moved back home right? I didn't like having roommates so I'm saving up for my own place, probably a townhouse so I never have to mow the lawn, lol.
yeah u told me u moved back home. i rather own than rent also but i can't wait forever... that's the problem. but we'll see. almost everyone told me to stay home and enjoy it.. save up for at least 2 years and what not...
my friend was going to see an apt.. i was bored and so i said i'd go with her.. i'm not really into the apt hunting yet..but i'm very open about it. i'm definitely NOT everyone and won't be moving to BK. my heart is in the bronx... so i'm planning to stay in the bronx and westchester area. i'd move to queens to be closer to jollibee. or i'll move to LI to buy a house. =]
Comments 7
Are you still doing nursing? How are you doing these days?
I'm doing well. I told you I moved back home right? I didn't like having roommates so I'm saving up for my own place, probably a townhouse so I never have to mow the lawn, lol.
Las Vegas eh? I wanna go!
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