1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1)When do you want to go to the amusement park?
I've never seen one, I don't know.
2)What kind of a bed do you want for your own room?
A big soft one, with fluffy covers. *frowns* own room?
3)Why don't you think Neverland isn't fun anymore?
*looks down* Because Peter doesn't play any more
4)Who do you have your crush on?
[Locked to Hermes] Two people,
Michael and *hides face* Anton
5)How are things going with Wendy and Peter Pan?
Don't know, don't care any more *pouts*
1. Which do you like better, being small or being tall?
Big Tink, she can do more things with people
2. If you could play with anyone in the world, who would you want to play with?
I don't know many people or things...so. You, Bliss, Hermes and the new babies.
3. What's your favorite candy?
Candy Floss, it's all fluffy
4. When we go to the amusement park, what's the first ride you want to go on?
I don't know what the rides are
5. Will you teach me to fly one day?
*nods quickly* When you find happy thoughts
Big brother Bliss
1. What's your favorite game?
Hide and seek, although I haven't played it since the party at Arica's house.
2. Have you made any more friends?
*nods* Anton, Jonas, Estelle, Kit, some Dr and
Michael {locked} i have a crush on michael...shhh]
3. What's your favorite color?
Green, green, green and sparkles.
4. Have you been having fun?
*nods* I've met lots of people, but not many people playing, but we were doing fun quiz things and it said I was going to make Anton and Hermes come 1000 times, and I didn't know what that meant...so I got hermes to tell me. I was um...*blushes*. OH and Hermes is my big brother too and he said I can stay at his and he's going to let me have a room too....and, he's going to take me to an amusement park.
5. What's your favorite toy?
*points to her head* all games come from here, not played with anything else, plus magic is fun!