*Steals from Nicole, as she did to me*

Dec 09, 2003 09:41

*groan* What the fuck? How am I suddenly sick? Es muy aburrido!! Yesterday I suddnely got a soar throat in rehearsal, then poof! I'm sick. Yay for me. I hope to god I'm better fo Comedy Sportz tonight. that is my life. Well since I have nothing else to waste my time on I'm going to steal this from Nicole. Yay!

[1]First Name: Ryan
[2]Middle Name: Sorry, that's top secret.
[3]Last Name:I forgot. (someone miught try to stalk me)
[4]Nick Name[s]:Rizzle Dawg, Ry Dogg, Ry ry (Hailey, muahaha), bubbins (unfortunately), and I hope that's it.
[5]Gender: Unspecified
[6]Age: 14
[7]Birthday: July 22nd, 1989
[8]Height: 5'10" and a half?
[9]Weight: 130
[10]Hair Color: Blond
[11]Eye Color: They change from green to blue
[12]What: ...*smiles and nods*
[13]Glasses: Only on weekends and in the morning.
[14]Contacts: Always.
[15]Braces: Twice.
[16]Hair Short Or Long: Long for guys
[17]U Were Born Where: Tarzana Hospital!
[18]U Now Live: Oak Park
[19]Asrtrology Sign: Cancer.
[20]Chineese Zodiac: Snake? How the hell should we know that?
[21]Nationality: Lots and lots: Romanian, Russian?, Polish...that's all I can remember.
[22]Bad Habbits: acting before thinking, being overprotective, abusing friendship, im a very jealous person...there's more...
[23]Piercings: none.
[24]If Yes Where: ...
[25]Tattoos: um, no.

[1]Do You Have Any Pets: yes i do.
[2]Name[s]: Socks, Midnight
[3]Type Of Animal[s]: cats.
[4]Have You Ever Had Any Other Pets Then Mentioned Up Above: I had a bearded dragon once, and two dogs: Shadow: died of old age, Scooter got hit by a car.

[1]Number: 17 all the way
[2]Clothing Brand: um, no comment
[3]Shoes: Adidas! a...dopey.. inept...dog...ate...salad?
[4]Saying: It's not an awkward silence unless an extroverted person labels it one, lifes a garden, dont be a hoe!
[5]TV Show: degrassi. fuck. yeah. Ashley rocks.
[6]Sport: dance, soccer?, volleyball.
[7]Vegetable: sorry, but vegetables aren't my...forte?
[8]Fruit: Edie's plums.
[9]Movie: SINBAD!, Spider-man, Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Chicago.[10]Magazine: I only read Mad, and barely even that. Sometimes People.
[11]Actress: i dont know.
[12]Candy: Reeses and...yup, you guessed it, nerds!
[13]Gum: Orbit
[14]Scent: Juicy Green Apple
[15]Candy Bar: Hershey's
[16]Ice Cream Flavor: Daquiri Ice, Rainbow Sherbert
[17]Color: Red, Black
[18]Season: Summer, Winter maybe
[19]Holiday: Definetly Halloween and Christmas
[20]Band: Evanescence?
[21]Singer: Linda Eder's real good.
[22]Group: None.
[23]Type Of Music: Showtunes, Showtunes, Emo Songs, and Movie Soundtracks...and SHOWTUNES!
[24]Fave Song: Hero, Spiderman.
[25]Slow Song: Don't know/ hear them except at dances.
[26]Thing In Your Room: Nicole Shrine, Art Bench, My walls.
[27]Place To Be: Movies, Mall, Bed, Comedy Sportz
[28]Radio Station: none
[29]TV Channel: the-n...*dreamy sigh*
[30]Junk Food: Carl's Jr.
[31]Overall Food: Anyhing with sugar.
[32]Store: Hot Topic, I'm SO punk. Hehe. NOT.
[33]Shoe Brand: Adidas...wtf? They asked that.
[34]Fast Food Place: Did I not just say Carl's Jr. under Favorite Junk Food? Moron.
[35]Restaurant: Red Robin
[36]Shape: Trapezoid? It's fun to say.
[37]Time Of Day: night
[38]Country: In honor of Cory: Canadia!
[39]State: I'm so going to live in New York.
[40]Boys Name: Jack
[41]Girls Name: Heather
[42]Mall: The Oaks, but It's small, so Topanga too.
[43]Video Game: Kingdom Hearts or any Final Fantasy, especially X-2.
[44]Shampoo: Suave
[45]Board Game: Monopoly
[46]Computer Game: Sinbad, or the Sims
[47]Car: Corvette.
[48]Music Video: That one on the end where the whole song is rewinding...
[49]Swear Word: Um...Slut!
[50]Word: AFLOTAT! Nicole, we should use that more often.
[50]Month: July, December, NOVEMBER 18th, ME AND NICOLE's SPECIAL DAY!
[51]Cartoon: Invader ZIM
[52]Song Of All Time: Screw you, slut, you asked me that before.
[53]Scary Movie: If I ever see it, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, but Mrs. Mac kinda killed it, stupid ho.
[54]Team: N/A
[55]Possesion: Journal, and all Cds

[.Private Life I.E. Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll...Rape...]
[1]Boyfriend Or Girlfriend: I wish.
[2]Crush: yep.
[3]Do You Love Anyone Right Now: *turns into mom* Not til' you're 18!
[4]Have You Ever Been In Love: I don't think so.
[5]How Many People Have You Kissed: Sorry, but I have a life.
[6]Who Was Your First Kiss: Cat Molina!
[7]Ever Have Oral Sex: *turns into slutty girl in 6th grade* Of course! ...not.
[8]Still A Virgin: Well, as Cory said: "No dating until after you're married.
[9]If Not How Many Times: ...
[10]Best Quote To Sum Up Love: It's easier to fall in love then it is to fall out? Or Vice Versa.
[11]So Whats Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Crush Like: I forgot. ;-)
[12]Whats Your Dream Guy/Girl Like: I don't know, haven't met them.
[13]Do U Go More By Looks Or Personality: Personality's a tad bit more important.
[15]Ever Kiss A Friend: On the cheek, yes
[16]Are You Still Friends: no asswipe, we magically loathed eachother.
[17]Do You Smoke: @ packs a day. Syke!
[18]Favorite Alcoholic Beverage: Psh, Your Mom!

[.Would You Ever.]
[1]Bungee Jump: I would so want to.
[2]Sky Dive: no.
[3]Swim With Dolphins: Yeah! In Hawaii!
[4]Scuba Dive: Yup, same place
[5]Go Rock Climbing: I wish.
[6]Roller Coaster: They are my LIFE!
[7]Change Your Religion: I'm kinda both, so no.But mark my words, I will celebrate Kwanzaa one day.
[8]Turn Your Back On Your Friends For Personal Gain: I don't think so.
[9]Steal A Friends Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No, I'm not that heartless!
[10]Cross-Dress: Cory and I used to play dress up *embarassed smile*
[11]Lie To The Police: Yeah, for Jeff Jackson's party, we crawled on the roof of May Boyar, and they got complaints and came and we told them it wasn't us, we had to fill out these weird slips, too.
[12]Run From The Police: Nope
[13]Speed Away From The Police: Not yet!
[14]Lie To Your Parents: Unfortunately yes. *gasp* another bad habit.
[15]Walk Up To A Total Stranger And Kiss Them: Can't say I have.
[16]Be A Exotic Dancer: Nope.
[17]Walk Out Of A Restraunt Without Paying: Nope.
[18]Go Streaking: No, but that'd make a great Pohto Op!

[.Your Friends.]
[1]Boys or Girls: both
[2]Known Longest: ...Cory, Ali Elowitz
[3]Wish You Talked To More Then You Do: Emily F., Greg Solis, Jordan Theodoulou
[4]Wish You Saw More Then You Do: Greg Solis, Jordan Theodoulou, Bill Cunningham, Ryan S., Niqwizzle, All the 8th graders, and much more.
[5]How Many Friends Do U Think You Have: I refuse to count.
[6]How Many Do U Actualy Hang Out With: most of them
[7]Who Drives You Insane After Awhile: Arielle (only sometimes), Jordan, and a few more.
[8]Ever Loose A Good Friend Because You Took It To The Next Level: yeah...Ali.
[9]Craziest: Oh god... um, Caitlin Forrest! She sure is a screamer
[10]Loudest: Me, Me, Me, and me.
[11]Shyest: Hard to say.
[12]Best Hair: Hard to say.
[13]Can Always Make You Laugh: Pretty much ll.
[14]Best Eyes: Nicole, Cory, Azia, Michelle, dunno.
[15]Best Body: Don't want to say.
[16]Most Athletic: Chris, fast mile time.
[17]Sex Symbol: Eris.
[18]Hot Tempered: I can be.
[19]Most Impatient: Arielle, Muahahaha.
[20]Shortest: Um, don't know.
[21]Tallest: Me, Ryan S., Michelle, Nicole kinda.
[22]Talented: Lotsa
[23]Best Singing Voice: Lots of people.
[24]Skinniest: Emily Boyle.
[25]Nicest: I refuse to label them! (Nicole, Cory, Sarah Baron, Rebecca.. almost everyone.) I mean what?
[26]Best Personality: Everyone.

[.Have You Ever.]
[1]flashed someone: Mhhmmm.
[2]told the person you liked how u felt: yes. i need to do it know. its bothering me.
[3]been to michigan: wtf? why michigan?
[4]gotten really REALLY wasted: not yet.
[5]gone to jail/juvi: no
[6]skateboarded: nope.
[7]skinny dipped: you betcha
[8]stolen anything from a store: once a stole a green rock from some cheap stand.
[9]wanted to kick my ass for making this so damn long SO LONG: um, i dont know you.
[10]gotten into a bar under aged: yeah, to see Pat Benatar!
[11]kissed someone of the same sex: My brother molests me, but otherwise, no.
[12]flipped someone off: oh, all the time!
[13]gone on a road trip: I might soon actually. to Canadia!
[14]gone on vacation without adult supervision: I might spend all of July alone in New York next year, maybe with my cousins, the Brunells
[15]been to a concert: A whole lot.
[16]been to another country: nope.
[17]talked back to an adult: yup.
[18]got pulled over: nope.
[29]gotten into a car accident: no.
[20]broke a law: dont think so.
[21]given money to some homeless person: my dad gave one 10$ for McDonalds.
[22]tried to kill yourself: ....maybe...
[23]cried to get out of trouble: Most definetly
[24]kissed a friends brother/sister: Fortunately no.

[.What Did You Do....]
[1]Last Birthday: I couldn't have one because of my graduation party. *mumble mumble*
[2]Last Weekend: Comedy Sportz game, slept at Cory's, went to a Comedy Sportz workshop, went to AARI'S ROCKING PARTY, and then went Holiday Shopping. Rocking!
[3]Christmas: Don't remember
[4]Thanksgiving: Had like only 5 people over.
[5]New Years Eve: Hawaii.
[6]Halloween: trick or treated with Cory, Ryan, Ryan and Sarah Baron, but i dont want to talk about that really...
[8]Valentines Day: Got sick, contemplated asking a certain someone out.

[.Yes Or No.]
[1]Are You A Vegitarian: Hell no!
[2]Do You Like Cows: Yes, Alive, and cooked
[3]Are You A Fast Runner: Yeah.
[4]Can You Ski: Not even on Mario Party 4!
[5]Did You Ever Give Barbie A Haircut: No, but Cory did. *Cough* Pocahontas *cough* I mean...what?
[6]Will The Real Slim Shady Please Shut Up: Please! YES!
[7]Are You Straight: Um, sure.
[8]Are You Fat: no, and neither is nicole *ahem*
[9]Are You Skinny and just say your fat: I don't judge myself like that, I used to though. *8th grae flash back*
[10]Are You Short: Hell no.
[11]Do You Own A Hot Pink Shirt: *turns into flambuoyant Skip Snip* OF COURSE!...no.
[12]How About Orange Pants: Yeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt.
[13]Are You Evil: Very.
[14]Did You Ever Touch Someone Elses No-No Spot: Mebbe.

Damn, that only took 45 minutes. I'd love to see who actually reads that! Aynyway. My weekend:

Friday- I WATCHED THE NEW ELLY DEGRASSI! I think I discussed this all already so I'm going to shut up now. Went to a Comedy Sportz game...Oh i said that too. I cheered on Ryan S. God, he's really funny. Then I slept at Cory's house!...Damnit.

Saturday- CSz Workshop, I did an excellent scene, and Hallie was there! And Lucas! Are they going out? Then it was off to Aari's party! God, it was amazing, Did Corner of the Sky, Why God Why?, All that Jazz, Dangerous Game, and participated in various others. Then we went to her house! It was muy fun!

Sunday- Holiday Shopping! I'm alomst done, I just need something for Mom, Dad, Sarah Baron, Emily, and Maybe Michelle. Ha me and Cory saw our presents for eachother, but shhh. I also showed Jason his. He got me a PS2 game AND Guide!!! *guilt* I hould buy him something else, too.

Monday- Owwww... I got sick.

That was a long one. But










Okay I'm finished! Bye!
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