Wonderous.Can't wait to read the whole anthology - but apparently it's over a year away :'(
Even more wonderous.I haven't caught this on TV, yet, but I'd assume it'll be on soon - unless of course they did it just for the website. Wonder how much (if any) will be bleeped...
Comments 8
give me more - and then even i will learn english one day.
wwww..cocksucking fucking bitch! what am i doing here! i need to look on this pdf-file and not to mr. opera - there are 40 unread pages of fine learning stuff for this hilarious test left, which is...uh...tomorrow...grmbl
thank you very much for stealing my time!
Right. Here.
Those fleshy things that pretend to like you only toy with your emotions! We lines of text are your real friends - the only friends you'll ever need.
So say 'fuck' at us a lot, for we will giggle so.
You bastard.
That story about the kid and the candle is NOT nice.
Besides, I'm guessing that I have more of a right to be icked out than you.
Unlesss there's something you aren't telling me.
I used to have a dick until I stuck wax into it and it had to be amputated.
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